Chapter 19

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After a month when Jackson passed, Alex manged to recover with the help of the love of his life. Nicol helped him a lot and it made her happy to see him happy again.

They were cuddling on Alex's bed at the afternoon. She came over when she finished with her work. She was typing on a phone with Willy while Alex was thinking hard about how he is going to tell her something important.

He buried his face in the crook of her neck and caressed her bare belly. He loved when he was close to her like this. He felt more connected to her.

''Nicol?'' He called out for her. She turned her head around fast since he always calls her by her name when something is serious.
''Yes?'' She put the phone on nightstand and sat indian style on a bed.
He also sat up in his place and cupped her face, placing sweet kiss on her lips.

''You know that I love you, right?''
''I know.'' Her cheeks tainted pink.
He kissed her cheeks slowly.
''I can't live without you baby. I need you by my side.'' He confessed to her.

She kissed his lips softly.
''I feel the same. I love you too Alex.'' She said.
''We are dating for almost seven months now, right?''
''Yes, in two weeks will be seven months.'' She was confused with his sudden interrogation.

''Do you think we could live together till death?'' He asked her. She must interpreted wrongly this question when she suddenly got up from the bed.

''Why are you asking me all of this? Do you want to break up with me?'' Her eyes already welled up with tears.
Alex's eyes widen and he shook his head.
''No no. You understood wrong.''

He pulled her on his lap and wrapped his arms around her.
''Then why are you asking me all of this? Of course I love you and I want to spend my life with you.'' She sniffed.

He leaned against the headboard as she was straddling him.
''Baby, I don't want to break up with you, in fact I want to marry you.''
''I want to marry you too.'' She said.

Alex slapped a hand on his forehead.
''I mean to marry you in like few months, not years.'' He explained.
She gasped when she understood what was he talking about.
''Really?'' She said tearing up.
''Yeah. I wanted to come tomorrow evening to your house with my parents and do it traditional way because of our parents.'' The tears were streaming down her face from happiness.

''You are the best man I could find to be my husband.'' She kissed his cheek.
''And only one.'' He said possessively and grabbed her butt. She chuckled at him and peppered him with kisses.

They started a makeout soon. He grabbed her throat and shoved his tongue in her mouth. She tasted so sweet to him. She was moaning between kissing and gripped his hair. She moaned loudly when he spanked her butt. She wore only his shirt so there was red handprint.

''Didn't you say only bad girls deserve punishment?'' She asked him while he was kissing her down her throat.
''Good girls too if they like it like you do.'' He spanked her again earning a erupt of moaning from Nicol.

He slipped his hand under the shirt and caressed her bare back. He was leaving bites on her neck and collarbone. Nicol was pulling on his hair hard as she was panting heavily because of the little assault Alex was doing on her.

He pulled away and gave her chaste kiss on her plump lips.
''I'm so lucky to have you.'' He said and hegged her tightly.
''Me too.'' She giggled and buried her face in his neck.

Alex patted her bum making her fall asleep quickly. He has always done that when he saw that she is tired and sleepy. ''I love you.'' She murmured half asleep. ''I love you too.'' He kissed her forehead and continued patting her butt.

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