Chapter 13

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Nicol and Alex were going on the beach since it was summer and it was too hot. Also, Nicol was amazed by the tattoo Alex made on himself even if it was just simple tattoo.

Nicol was nervous to go on the beach with Alex because she was insecure about her body. Of course, he loved her big butt, but she knew that she had thicker tighs. Her stomach was flat and she was proud because of that. At least there won't be belly fat visible.

She chose red bikini that was her best bikini she ever had. She put it on and wore her loose white sundress over the bikini. She made sure to put sun cream and cut watermelon in her beach bag.

When Alex send her a message that he was waiting at the front, she grabbed her stuff and put on her sunglasses then sprinted out. Nicol got in a car and put her bag at the behind and kissed Alex before they went to the beach.

She prayed that there won't be a lot of people but unfortunately there was a crowd of people. They put their towels down and it was time to remove clothes which Nicol was anxious to do.

Alex removed his shirt quickly showing of his tattooed body. He had blue swimming shorts and the tattoos on his legs were also on display. Nicol noticed everybody looked at them and it was harder for her to remove her dress.

''Could you be more noticeable?'' She said.
''Just undress and we'll go swimming.'' Alex said rolling his eyes.

Nicol was slowly removing her dress until it fell down. Alex was expressionless but also shocked that his girl have this killer body. Thick tighs, big butt, small waist and there were clearly meat in her breasts. She could go modelling if she wanted.

''Dìos mio.'' He whispered scanning her body.
''Are you okay Alex?'' She said confused.

He grabbed her waist and kissed her hard. She kissed back even tho she was still confused with his reaction. Does he think I'm ugly? Nicol thought to herself but her my mind was cleared when Alex spoke again.

''You are hot.'' Nicol felt all her heat rushed into her cheeks.
''Thank you.'' She said quietly still flustered. Alex chuckled at her cuteness.
''How can you be so cute and sexy at the same time?'' He kissed her cheek.

She took a lotion from her bag and handed it to Alex.
''Put some on my back please.''

Alex rubbed lotion on her back in a slow motion. He kissed her neck and she couldn't help but let out a moan in satisfaction. His hands came on her lower back and he rubbed lotion on her butt cheeks.

''I think it's enough. Thank you.'' She turned around.
''I just started having fun.'' He smirked.
''Well you are not having fun in this way.''
He chuckled and took her hand.
''Let's go in the water.''

She shivered at first but got inside after awhile. There were also a lot of people in the water, from little babies to grannies. Kids that were playing in the water were carefully looking at Alex and his tattoos.

''Alex look at them.'' Nicol pointed at the kids that were still staring at him.
''They look pretty amazed with my tattoos.'' Alex smirked.
''Do you think our kids will look at you the same way?''
''Probably, but hey, I will be their dad afterall.''
''You'll be the cool dad.'' She laughed.

He got closer and wrapped arms around her.
''And you will be the prettiest mom every kid could wish for.'' He kissed her deeply in front of all these people.

Nicol was genuinely happy with him and nobody could prove it wrong. They broke the kiss and she pulled him deeper in the water. They were swimming a lot until they got tired and sat back on the towels.

Alex pulled her to sit on his lap as she opened the box with watermelon. She loved summer mostly because of watermelons. She ate more than a half of the box while Alex just managed to take few pieces.

''Did you take watermelon for us or for yourself?'' He rolled his eyes.
''Well, since I'm the one who brought it here, I'm the one who should eat more.'' Nicol said in a duhh tone.
''You'll see the next time. You won't get to eat my food and I plan to bring something delicious.'' He smirked.
''There is nothing more delicious than watermelon.''
''Are you sure?'' He asked challenging her.
''I think pancakes with the peanut butter and thick chocolate dripping from them is way more delicious.''

He smirked when he saw her gulp her saliva. She started imagining pancakes and she was eating them gracefully, savoring every bit of them. She was snapped out of her imagination when she felt something wet on her cheek.

''Did you just lick me?'' She asked him.
He smiled nodding his head. She grabbed his face and licked him across his lips. He put her legs on each side of him and pulled her closer by her butt cheeks.

They started french kissing in front of all these people on the beach, but they didn't care about who is watching them. He stroked her butt slowly making her moan softly.

She wasn't aware what she was doing to him. She was making him lose his mind when it came to her. He loved her so much and was making sure to be pampered by him.

They pulled away panting for air. She kissed his cheek and leaned her head on his shoulder. Alex stroked her wet hair with one hand and her back with his other hand.

They enjoyed in being with each other. They were like a lost puzzles and they found each other after a long time. Love that they have for each other is undescribeable. There were and there will be many boundaries.

Alex saw her eyelids drop.
''Do you want to sleep a little?''
He put her on a towel and wrapped his arms around her. She kissed his lips half way asleep and leaned her head on his chest. His patting on her bum made her fall asleep immediately.

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