Chapter 7

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It's really hard when you are banned to see your loved ones. It's empty inside your heart and everyday is not the same. You feel like you would sleep all day and won't do anything. Because your motivation is gone now.

That's how Nicol felt for two weeks now. It's been two weeks since she departed from Alex. It's been hard for her to get back to her normal routine. And it wasn't different for Alex either. He couldn't concentrate on his job well but luckily Jackson was here to help him.

Nicol was cleaning after customers left and it was also her afternoon shift so she will lock the cafe with Willy. She told Willy everything what happened and he gave her all the support she needed to stay strong.

Once she got home her parents were waiting for her in a living room. Her father called her over because he has good news for her.

''Yes dad?'' Nicol asked as she sat on the couch.
''How did the work go?''
''Your mother and I thought it would be nice if you would go on small meeting with your mom's friend's son.'' This was anything but the offer, it was an order from her father.

''Honey I thought you can go on a meeting with Laura's son. You know Michael, don't you?'' Her mother tried in soothing tone but she waanted her to figure out that she must go.
''You want me to go on a date with him? What are you trying to do?''

''Well if you want to call that a date then it's a date. He is decent young man and has a nice job.''
''Nicol you don't go to college then why you wouldn't try to find somebody for yourself?''

Nicol was once again shocked with her parents words. They didn't see their daughter's pain caused by them. Are they really good parents?

''First you banned me to see the man I love and you're trying to arrange a date with some guy I only saw when he was passing by? What's wrong with you two?'' She lashed out all of her anger and feelings she bottled up in to her parents.

''We only want good for you. He is not good for you, why can't you understand?'' Her mother tried to reason her but failed.
''But mom can't you see that I'm hurt and because of you?''
''Enough!'' Her father voice boomed through the room.

''You will go on a date with Michael tommorow night and that's it.''
Nicol stormed off in her room with tears falling down her cheeks. This was too much for her.

She thought if she goes on a date, she will betray Alex and she didn't want that. But she decided she will go and tell Michael that nothing is going to happen between them. It might be cruel but it will be the best way for both of them.


Tomorrow afternoon Nicol was getting ready for her date. If she is going to refuse him, she will at least be nice dressed. She chose black dress that reached her knees and put on red heels. She was satisfied with the final look and rushed outside after her parents wished her good luck.

Michael was waiting for her like a gentleman and opened her car door. He complimented her look on which she just said small thank you. Michael definitely wasn't ugly but he also wasn't like Alex.

They arrived in front of a lit restaurant where he already reserved a table. Waiter gave them menus but Nicol was quick to decide. Micheal agreed to take same as her as he also loved pasta.

''So Nicol, right?''
''Yes. You are Michael, right?''
''Correct. My mom told me about this date so I wanted to try it.''
''How old are you Nicol?''
''Twenty. You?''
''Twenty-three. What job do you have?''
''I'm waiteress in a cafe.''
''It must be hard all standing and stuff.''
''Yes it is. So what job do you have?''
''I work as accounting manager in company.''
''That's nice.''

Their coversation was cut of when waiter  came back with their pasta. It was delicious to Nicol but she remebered her date with Alex. She missed him so much and haven't seen him for two weeks.

As she was thinking about him, somebody entered the restaurant. Nicol turned around as she recognized voices. Her eyes widen when she saw Alex and Jackson entering the room.

She turned around quickly so he wouldn't see her but it was too late when Alex sat two tables across her. He noticed her and something built up inside him. He was almost fuming in anger when he saw his girl with another man.

''Is everything okay Nicol?'' He touched her hand, bringing her back from her gaze.
''Yes.'' She removed her hand feeling uneasy with the sudden touch.
She looked over to Alex to see him already glaring at her but it was probably more at Michael.

When they finished, Michael surprised Nicol with the sudden question.
''So do you want to repeat this?''
''Michael, you seem like a great guy but this can't work between us. I'm sorry but I love someone else.''

He sighed and smiled at her.
''I'm glad you said that.'' Nicol looked at him confused. She tought he would be hurt but she didn't expect this reaction.

''Don't look at me that confused. I also like someone else.''
''Really? Then why did you agreed to this?''
''I wanted to please my mom. So who is the guy?''
''Don't be too noticeable!''
''He is behind you looking pretty much pissed off.'' Nicol chuckled.

Micheal turned around to see Alex's red face. He was so mad and jealous at the couple. It will take just a little bit when he will snap.

''He looks scary.'' Michael chuckled.
''He is probably mad. But I can't do anything about it.''
''Why are you not with him?''
''My parents banned me from seeing him because he was drug addict before. I fell in love with him when I was fifteen and he just got cleaned. I love him so much but I will never got to tell him that. It hurts.''

Nicol started crying and Michael rushed to give her a napkin.
''I didn't know you love him so much. Your parents must be really blind because they can't see their daughter's pain.''
''Thank you Michael for comforting me.'' Nicol gave him small smile.
''I'm your friend now. Of course I will comfort you.''
''Do you want to go?''
''Sure. I will go pay a bill.''

When Michael left, Nicol looked over to Alex to see him looking at her sadly. She looked at his face and saw tiredness in his eyes. Michael came back and escorted her home later.

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