Chapter 11

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Nicol woke up with Alex on top of her. His breath was tickling her on her neck. She managed to move him on the side and slipped off the bed. She went in the bathroom and showered then wore yesterday's clothes.

There was two toothbrushes on the sink that she couldn't remeber they were there. She thought that his mother put them here for them. She brushed her teeth and put her hair in a messy bun.

Nicol went downstairs leaving sleeping Alex still in the bed. She noticed his mother was in a kitchen making breakfast.
''Good morning Mrs. Rose.''
''Good morning and just call me Rose, please.''
''Okay, Rose.'' Nicol smiled in satisfaction.
''Did you sleep well?''
''I did. Thank you. Do you need help in making a breakfast?''
''Sure, you can help me.''

Rose gave Nicol to mix some eggs while she was making a toasts for everyone. They put the food and plates on a table when she heard his father coming downstairs.

''Good morning ladies.'' He kissed his wife's cheek and took a cup to make a coffee.
''Is he still sleeping?'' Rose asked.
''I'm not.'' Alex said coming inside the kitchen fresh and clean. He kissed Nicol's cheek and sat down on a chair.

While they were eating, his mother started asking Nicol some questions.
''How old are you Nicol?''
''Do you have a job?''
''Yes. I have been waitering for a year.''
''Your parents must be proud of you. You seem like a great girl.'' Nicol blushed at the sudden compliment.
''Thank you.''

''Have you been thinking about marriage?'' Nicol widened her eyes clearly shocked but Alex acted normal.
''I mean we are dating for almost three months but I wouldn't mind marrying her.'' Alex said nonchalantly, but this words made Nicol's heart to flutter.
''Well you have time to make a decision.''

Alex nodded stuffing his mouth with a food. Nicol was surprised with how calm Alex was and how ready he was. She wouldn't mind marrying him either, but it was still early for anything more. She was still happy with his statement.

It was around 11 a.m. when they had to head back. Nicol was working afternoon shift and Alex had to go in his studio as Jackson was alone. They said bye to his parents and got in a car.

Alex dropped her home and drove off to his studio. Jackson was in the room doing tattoo on client. Over these years Alex taught Jackson how to do tattoos and he adapted pretty quickly. They have the best bromance you could ever see.

The day was smoothly going. Nicol was working and it was a great day as they weren't a lot of customers. But one particular person entered the cafe. Nicol squealed when she saw his cousin after three years.

''Mason!'' She hugging him.
''Little cuz. How have you been?'' He smiled.
''I'm great. You?''
''I'm fine.''

They sat at the free table across each other.
''I haven't seen you for three years. You are skinnier.''
''Well, I have been travelling around the world so yeah...''
''It must be cool to see different cultures.''
''It was really cool.''
''I think mom will be shocked when she sees you.''
''How is aunt Lily and uncle Greg doing?''
''They are fine. Working and stuff.'' Nicol shrugged.

''So do you have somebody?''
''Yeah actually.''
''Who is it?''
''His name is Alex.''
''No wayyyy...'' He stated shocked.
''The same Alex you have been in love when you are fifteen. The one who got out know what.'' He said hinting of community.
''Yes, that one.''
''That's shocking. I wouldn't expect your crush to be your boyfriend.''
''I didn't expect either.'' Nicol chuckled.
''So how is he, like now?''
''He is great and sweet. He still has that tattoo studio from when you saw it when it opened. And it's doing great now.'' Nicol spoke proudly about her boyfriend.

''Who is this?'' They turned their head to the deep voice next to them. Nicol smiled at Alex when she saw him, but she noticed he was scowling at them.
''This is Mason. My cousin and Cory's brother.'' She quickly introduced him to prevent any outbursts. He calmed down once she said that and sat down putting her on his lap.

''I'm Alex.'' He shook Mason's hand.
''Nice to meet you.'' Mason was a little frightened of Alex at the moment.
''Nicky, what happened to the sweet?'' Mason said nervously.
Nicol laughed at him when she saw how scared Mason looked like.
''Alex, smile a little. You are scaring him.'' She chuckled at his cousin.
Alex kissed her cheek and smiled showing his dimples.

''Sorry for scaring you Mason. Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill you.'' Alex chuckled and gripped Nicol's hips tighter.
''You didn't scare me.'' But it came more like a question.
''Yeah right.'' Nicol said.
''Anyway, I came to say hi to you then I was thinking about going in Cory's gym.''
''I can give you a ride since I thought of going there too.'' Alex said.
''That would be great.''

''I need to have a little talk with Alex before you go.'' Nicol said and pulled Alex at the back so no one would see them.

''What did you need to talk about?''
''I saw your face before introducing you to Mason.''
''What face?'' He was acting stupid.
''You were jealous and angry. If I didn't say who he is you would make a scene.''
''Okay, I was a little angry but I wouldn't make a scene.''
''You are lying to yourself now, anyway I don't want to see that anymore.''

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to his chest.
''You are mine and I don't want any male talking to you actually, but since that can't be unavoidable, am I not aloud to be jealous baby?'' He kissed her under her ear making her moan.
He attempted to grab her bum but she stopped his hands.

He looked at her with raised eyebrow.
''No. You won't touch it for a week.'' She said smirking.
''Is this some punishment?''
''Call it whatever you like.''
She turned around making sure to wiggle her butt on her way out.
''Get back here.'' He called her but she ignored him and got out in front part of the cafe.

She saw Mason still sitting on the same place and waiting for them as she approached him. He got up and hugged her.
''I'll come to see you again.'' He said.
''I'm going to call you so you can come to my house.''
''Great. Is everything okay with Alex?''
''Yeah, he is acting childish a little.''

Alex came from the back with something between a pout and a scowl on his face.
''Mason, let's go.'' He said sternly scaring the boy again.
''Sure.'' He quickly grabbed backpack he came with.

''It will be fine Alex.'' Nicol said amused tapping his arm. He removed his hand and chuckled.
''You don't get to touch me either. At all.'' He whispered in her ear.
''You can't do that.'' She said shocked.
''I just did.''

''Bye Nicky.'' Mason waved to his cousin and exited the cafe.
''Bye Nicol.'' Alex said in a girly voice before going after Mason.

Did he just mimicked a girl? Nicol thought when they left. She was shocked with what Alex said to her. A week without his hugs and kisses.

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