19: Are you always this stupid, or are you making an extra effort today?

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The penultimate chapter!

This chapter is a little different, honestly it's probably one of the most realistic things I've written. There are disagreements or lapses in communication in every relationship, it's how you deal with them which is the real test.


p.s. for anyone who asked / wished me luck with Emily, it went so so well! She was lovely, we chatted about writing and the show (which she wants to release the first 6 episodes of S4 in July) and had banter about doing an all bikini episode if they filmed in summer lol. As expected, she's a gem and a huge inspiration to me, so it was wonderful <3 thanks for all of your nice messages!

pp.s. the next homecon in June is PRIDE THEMED!!! aka the PERFECT place for a wayhaught panel right?! Maybe a wayhaught 2 on 1 meeting? x


in this chapter...

Nicole moves into her new house and has her first day as an Officer in Purgatory...
Waverly struggles to cope with everything...
Wynonna has her sister's back and some family history is shared...


"NO! Stop! No! You're wrong! Get away from her! Stop!"

"Waves! Waverly! Babygirl it's Wynonna! Waverly wake up!"

With a start, Waverly shot upright in bed, sweating as her eyes adjusted to her surroundings. Wynonna sat with her arms around her, holding her and stilling the shaking a little.

"Hey, it's okay babygirl, it was just a bad dream. You're okay I promise, I've got you." The older Earp rubbed her sisters hair gently as they fell into wordlessness, Wynonna unsure of what to say to comfort Waverly. She didn't need to worry long though, as Waverly thew herself back in the bed with a huff; she covered her eyes in frustration.

"Sorry if I woke you." Waverly mumbled into her hands.

"It's fine. I wasn't sleeping much anyway." Wynonna sunk into the bed next to her, so they were both staring at the ceiling. "Want to talk about it?"

"Not really." Waverly swallowed thickly and traced circles on the bedsheet beside her, pretending it was Nicole's hand.

"Okay." Wynonna replied quietly and they just lay in silent stillness for what felt like eternity, until Wynonna began to get restless. "How long?" She asked and Waverly, through their sister bond, knew what she meant.

"A couple of weeks." She mumbled. "I was too busy before that, I haven't been sleeping much, so I haven't had much time for nightmares." Between working and visiting Nicole in the hospital, the few hours of sleep Waverly had been getting each day had been her entirely blacked out from exhaustion. Now she was back though, lying in her own bed, Nicole in her new house, she had time to rest, but her mind had other plans. Now that can of worms had been opened though, Waverly couldn't stop talking and Wynonna wasn't about to stop her, relieved for the break from the silence. "It's so unfair! You know when she left, I was... I was heartbroken, but a part of me was relieved, that I'd never have to watch anything happen to her, to watch her die." She swallowed and wiped her eyes. "When I got that phone call, it's like my entire world fell apart Wynonna." Cautiously she looked at her sister, who was propped up listening, the older girl nodded for Waverly to continue. "I know it's selfish Wynonna, but I wish she wasn't a cop, I wish she was anything else." She shook her head. "I know it makes me a horrible person, that this is what she's always wanted, but every time I shut my eyes I watch her die a different way." Her face was reddened now from the few tears which had sunk into the skin, but she didn't even bother to wipe them away - what was the point anymore, it felt like all she ever did was cry.

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