06: You'll be the first to know when I kill you... I promise.

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a/n: This is long and turned out so differently to what I had planned, so I hope it makes sense and feels like it fits with the rest of the story so far, they're still getting to know each other and are yet to have the deep chats or really intimate moments, but I hope this is a natural development in their journey.

I wish there was more inner monologue this chapter but there was so much to fit in, so hopefully in future chapters the girls will have more time to reflect on everything - let me know if you'd care at all about that side of things.

Thank you all for your feedback so far and I PROMISE I've got things planned based on your comments!


in this chapter...

Nicole has something to ask Waverly - will she be able to find the guts to ask? Or will her romantic plan go horribly wrong before it's even really started?

Oh also Waverly and Robin have a CUTE friendship moment.

Waverly finally finds the words to share her feelings with Nicole.


"So I'll pick you up at 9?" Waverly's phone buzzed from the dresser and an instinctive blush rose on her cheeks as she replied.

"Sure thing Cowboy, can't wait." Waverly rolled back in bed, grinning at their nerdy plan. Before coming to the convention, both girls had agreed to dress up as characters from their game for the panel which happened to be today. Having never done anything like this before, Waverly was a little nervous, but Jeremy and Robin were dressing up too and they'd decided it would be a fun experience for everyone.

A couple of hours later Waverly stood in front of the full length mirror fiddling with her blue neckerchief, admiring the effort she'd put into the outfit and bubbling with nervous excitement to see how hot Nicole would look as Arthur Morgan. Her thoughts were interrupted by a knocking at the door. Throwing the door open Waverly grinned taking in her best friend's costumes.

"Mario and Luigi!" Waverly laughed hysterically at the boys who had refused to tell her their costume ideas prior to the day. "You two are ADORABLE!" Waverly pulled them in for a big hug, her cheeks burning from the magnitude of her smile.

"Someone's in a good mood!" Jeremy laughed into Robin's chest.

"I'm guessing date night went well then?" Robin pulled away, cocking an eyebrow at Waverly.

"Understatement of the century!" Waverly blushed, biting her lip and averting her eyes.

"YOU KISSED HER!" Jeremy squealed.

"How do you do that?" Waverly gave Jeremy a glare. "How do you always know what I'm thinking - it's weird, we spend too much time together!" She playfully pushed her best friend.

"Not important! Right now I want to know how you ended up kissing Officer Haught!" Jeremy fist bumped Waverly in their true gay fashion, waiting for this answer.

"Okay firstly - stop calling her that you weirdo!" Waverly rolled her eyes. "And secondly -" She was cut off by her phone buzzing from the bed. "My ride's here! I'll see you guys in a couple of hours!" Waverly shoved them out the door, bundling out after them and half sprinting past them down the corridor.

"You aren't getting out of this Earp! We get all the details later!" Robin yelled after Waverly, simply getting a thumbs up over her shoulder in response causing the couple to laugh and shake their heads.

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