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(of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure.

In a sentence, the usage would be simple. "Wong Yukhei is a selfish prick." The way he smiles like he knows he attractive. The way he flirts with anyone, guy or girl. He truly thinks that everyone loves his face, his body, and that conceited attitude he carries around. It infuriated me. I glared at him from across the room, chewing on the inside of my lip as he talked about the party he had over the weekend and how the girls were all over him, but he rejected every single one of them. Of course, every girl in this college has had a crush on Lucas, maybe even some guys and some teachers. 

Like yeah, maybe he has top-model standards for looks and a smile that is Hollywood star worthy, but what was so great about him? I wasn't attracted to him. I wasn't attracted to anyone. I've never had a crush since I was born, and I planned to keep it that way. Men were simply a waste of my time and they would get in the way of me trying to lead a successful life on my own.  

"Hey," Mark tapped on my shoulder, "Yoonah!" he whispered/yelled. Mark Lee was the person I grew up with. He moved to Korea when he was 3, and since then we met, we never have an argument or disagreement. We did everything together as children, and as we got older, we decided we'd only attend a college if we both got in. He was like an older brother to me, yet he acted like a 7-year-old most the time. "What?" I responded, slightly turning in my chair to face him. He slid a napkin with words on it over to me, nodding his head towards it. I glanced down and read the sloppy handwriting. Party at 11 tonight. You and Yoonah are invited. Don't bring anyone else. 

Just from the way the handwriting looked, I could tell that it was Lucas' handwriting. The carelessness of how he wrote it and the lack of neatness. I slid the napkin back over to Mark, "I can't go. I have to study tonight," I lied. Mark stomped his feet and groaned, "Yoonnaahhhh," he whined, "please, I want to go!" I rolled my eyes and turned back around, "Then go by yourself." I knew he would never go to a party without me.

 I didn't even have to study, I had memorized almost everything the professor had told us by heart, but I would use any excuse to not go to that stupid party. 

I could feel Mark breath on the back of my ear. It made me shiver. "If you come, I'll clean my room, and study with you for a week," he bargained. I twisted my head slightly. It was a good bargain. The apartment we lived in together was small and only had two rooms. His room was a mess and you could tell just from smelling it. Not to mention, Mark would probably fail this year if he didn't at least try to study. I debated for a second. It was one party, and Mark would be there to make sure nothing would happen. 

I spun around in my seat, and leaned forward, "We'll stay for at least one hour, and if I want to leave after that, then we're leaving, okay?" I asked him. He grinned and reached forward to pinch both of my cheeks, "I knew I could make you go!" he squealed as he pinched my cheeks harder. "Ow!" I complained, slapping his hands away from my face. He didn't stop grinning even as he wrote something else down on the napkin invitation and tossed it over to Lucas. It hit him square in the forehead. He would've seen it coming if he wasn't taking selfies with the girls in the class. 

Lucas looked shocked for a second, then looked at Mark, who was still smiling. He picked up the crumpled napkin and scanned it for a good 10 seconds. Suddenly, he stood up, shocking the whole class. I was so startled I almost fell out of my seat. Lucas raised his hands in the air, "Mark and Yoonah are coming to the party tonight!" he yelled. My eyes widened and I covered my face with my hands, resting my elbows on the desk. He really didn't just do that. I begged that I was dreaming. "Oh my god, oh my god," I muttered to myself as the class clapped and cheered. My heart was racing from the sudden attention. 

I heard footsteps after the cheering died down, and my desk creaked as if someone was sitting on it. I slowly uncovered my hands and looked up. He was sitting on my desk. That freaking conceited idiot. "What do you want?" I mumbled under my breath. He smirked and pushed his hair back, "You really couldn't resist my charms this time, could you?" he joked. I broke eye contact with him, and looked back at my notes, "I'm only going for Mark. I have no interest in you, so please, get off my desk." I snap. 

A couple of girls mutter "Rude" or "How dare she?" I was used to that though. With a motion of his hand, Lucas silenced them. I felt the nerve to push him off my desk, but I didn't, simply for the benefit of not drawing attention to myself. He leaned a little bit closer, people oooing and ahhing as he did so. I leaned back in my seat. Lucas smiled crookedly, "You can think whatever you want, but in the end, you are still coming just because I'm going to be there," he jeered.

I felt my face get hot with anger, "What's with all the confidence you have, huh? Is it to hide the fact you have a small-" and the professor came in. I slapped my hand over my mouth and put my head down, making sure that he would have no clue that I was just about to say that. I inner face-palmed, and shook my head, shutting my eyes tight, just hoping that Lucas would move his conceited self off of my desk.

"Wong Yukhei, the Chancellor wishes to see you regarding your parent's letter," the professor said, as he set his book down on the stand. I felt a weight get lifted off my desk, and I slightly raised my head, only to see Lucas standing straight up still staring right at me, with a confused expression. A couple of seconds later, he turned towards the front and walked to the door, briefly turning to look back at everyone, "Farewell, my slaves, and may we meet again!" he cooed, bowing. "Wong Yukhei! Go!" the professor scolded with a smile on his face. 

Lucas smiled back at him and blew a kiss before waltzing out the door like he was at a fashion show or something. What I would give to punch that face. 

"Okay class, today we'll be taking a pop quiz! You can only use the notes you took last class and if you didn't take any, then you're on your own," the professor said as he started handing the papers out. I felt a tap on my shoulder, "Yoonah," Mark whispered, "let me have that copy of your notes." I rubbed my temples as I heard Mark's pencil drop on the ground, and took that as a signal. I grabbed the folded piece of paper and slipped my hand through the back of the chair, not moving until I felt the paper slip back out of my hands. 

"Thank you," Mark said just as the person in front of me handed me a paper. I passed the extra one onto Mark. To be honest, I always had two sets of notes. One with neatly highlighted texts, and one with messy and less detailed work. The messy one was always for Mark when he needed it since he couldn't always study because of his part-time job. 

Maybe it was me pitying him, but his family was never very well off when they came to Korea. He had to have a part-time job and didn't even know that my parents were paying half his college tuition. I understood why Mark envied Lucas so much. Lucas was born into a rich family and has never had to pay for anything. Hell, he even found a way to leave class before the quiz. 

I couldn't say that I was much different from Lucas. My family was well-off, we had plenty of money and my parents had good jobs. I didn't have to pay for anything. If Mark ever found out that my parents were paying that much for his college, then I doubt he'd ever speak to me again. I couldn't have that. I needed Mark in my life, just as much as he needed me. We could never lose each other. I could lose anyone, even my own parents, but not Mark. Even when he's old and married, I begged that somehow, he'd still be in my life, just as a best friend. 

I'll always care about him, even though he forces me to do a lot of stupid things with him like playing pranks, eating contests, and the worst one yet, going to Lucas' party. I do NOT want to go to that party. 
Word Count - 1,598 words

Published on Thursday, May 21, 2020

selfish, but that's okay  //  Wong YukheiWhere stories live. Discover now