7. Memories (1)

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Bucky took warmer clothes out of the drawer.

"I still don't get how you stay warm in that"

"I'm trained for that, too," Natasha replied.

"I don't get how you became such a good kisser."

Bucky laughed.
"I didn't train for that. I was always a good kisser. You know the best."

Natasha smirked.

"Do you want to see something cool?" Bucky asked.

Bucky pushed a button on the bottom of the drawer that Natasha never noticed.
The drawer moved itself and there was a secret basement down.
Bucky went down and Natasha did too. There were all kinds of guns and weapons down there.

"Choose" Bucky said as he took his same favorite one.
Natasha took two of the smaller ones.
Then they headed out, to bring back their own lives.

Natasha followed Bucky.
He said that since it was too early, fewer guards were on duty.
Walking through the deep snow, Natasha started to think of the 1940's, when she and Bucky- or James had a relationship.
The dream like days lasted 6 years and a half.
James one day suddenly told Natasha on a very snowy day's night...

"We have to...stop seeing each other. I started a new life and I decided to leave this place. Na-Natasha, you are a great woman. I know you can meet someone else better. Please, forget about me. You are much better without me. I am sorry. I promise you wouldn't have to see my face ever again after this moment."

Without even hearing what Natasha had to say, the sergeant left with out looking back.
Natasha spent sorrowful nights alone,
still managing to complete the spy orders.

A year passed and Natasha let go of James and the memories formed by him.

She was nearly heartless.

Everyone feared her and she was now the outsider of the land.

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