Chapter 36

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Qing Yao who was smiling shyly when the king was informing Qi Hua about the marriage, froze when she heard what Qi Hua said. Even the Sky King himself was astonished by Qi Hua's response. Everyone presented in the hall too were shocked upon hearing the response.

"What did you just said?" The Sky King asked.

Qi Hua looked at the monarch who was sitting on the throne firmly. "This prince said that this prince not going to marry Qing Yao nor she will be this prince's consort. Not now and never in the future."

"You!" The Sky King pointed at Qi Hua, he was starting to get angry.

Qing Yao looked at Qi Hua in disbelieved. "Qi-Qi Hua... Why... What are you..."

Qi Hua cut her off. "You want to know why? Alright. This prince will enlighten you. Your majesty, please use your judgement and judge whether this person in front of you, fit to be Crown Prince Consort or not."

With a wave of hand, everyone present were enveloped into a dimension. Everyone was shocked, Qi Hua looked away, the pain he felt earlier surfaced again, he was not willing to see the painful things again and so he teleported away and let the one who presents in the hall to be the audience instead. For Qing Yao who grew up beside Qi Hua, had never once, had the privilege to see Qi Hua smiled, was green with jealousy when she saw Qi Hua smiled at Rui Yue that she wanted to rush forward and slapped Rui Yue.

Even everyone who present were surprised to see another side of the cold prince of Sky tribe, especially the king. Ever since Qi Hua was born, he had never once seen Qi Hua smiled and laughed. Every time he sees Qi Hua, Qi Hua will always be in prim and proper manner befitting of a prince, to see Qi Hua smiled and laughed here, shown how much did Qi Hua cared for Rui Yue. Qing Yao who was gritting her teeth earlier turned paled when the image of her framing Rui Yue pushed her at the lake appeared.

"I did not...I did not... It's all lies... It's all lies...." Qing Yao shook her head.

Her face turned ashen when the guard mentioned about her order to hit Rui Yue hard and she started to deny vehemently.

"No! it's not like that... It's not like that..." Qing Yao denied.

Everyone except the Sky King who saw those things start to discuss in a hushed whispered, while the Sky King looked at Qing Yao in disbelieved when he saw how Qing Yao talked to Rui Yue, how she taunted Rui Yue again and again until Rui Yue jumped into the lake, and the images faded away and everything turned normal again.

"Qing Yao, you... You..." The Sky King looked at Qing Yao. He clearly couldn't believe what he had just seen.

"No! No! it's a lie! It's a lie!!! It's not true!!" Qing Yao denied again and again.

Suddenly a man entered with a group of peoples. The man greeted the king in respect. "Greeting Your Majesty, this subordinate was ordered by His Highness, to bring witnesses to provide the proof of what Princess Qing Yao had done."

Qing Yao turned around and her eyes widened in shock when she saw those familiar faces, whom she had ordered to give Rui Yue a hard time. The group of people that the man brought in, begun to greet the king and told the king what had happened and informed that Qing Yao was the one behind all those things. When Qing Yao heard of this accusation she begun to scream hysterically and accused them of lying, but none of them gave her any attention.

"Your Majesty, His Highness had also said that Your Majesty is to decide on the punishment that Your Majesty deemed is right, His Highness have no objection on this and His Highness had also emphasized that His Highness will not marry Princess Qing Yao." The man said.

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