TEH BELL TEST OF DESTINY!!!!!! Sort of... :D

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Raven's Pov

There we all sat on the roof Kakashi trying to look calm even though I could tell he was scared of Frank >:D!!

I ignored everyone's introduction's like a boss :3.

"Raven your turn!"Naruto yelled getting all up in meh face.

I pulled out Frank and hit Kakashi's leg.

"Ow!"He yelled.

"Reflex's"I shrugged.

"The names Raven! I like many things, I dislike many things as well,I have many hobbie's, and my dream for the future....don't have one."I smiled showing off my sharp yet white teeth.

"That's even worst then Kakashi-sensei's"Sakura mumbled.

"Naruto! Your getting an unexpected house guest.....aka me."I made a face that sorta looks like this >:3.

Kakashi stared at me for a minute.

"LOOK AWAY FOOL!"I hit him in the stomach with Frank making him fall off the railing.

"AHHH YOU BIT**!!!"He yelled as he fell.

"The test is a survival test. Don't eat breakfast or your gonna puke blah blah blah."I said rolling my eyes.

"Let's go Naruto,I got shopping to do."I picked him up and threw him over my shoulder.

"I CAN FLY."I yelled before jumping off the roof and running down the side of it.

Naruto screamed as I hit the ground with a loud thud.

"Don't worry we've landed on the ground."I rolled my eyes.

"I know but that was scary."He mumbled.

"Yeah yeah."I pat his head.

TIME SKIP AFTER SHOPPING NO JUTSU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I swear to Jashin that was the most awkwardest thing ever."I mumbled holding all my bags(which were a he** of a lot)

"How?"Naruto asked.

"Because I've never had that much attention from men before."I shuddered. True to my words all the men I've gotten attention from ended up being one of my targets and dying....accept the ones in my squad on the ducks they stay away from me >:D.

"Why not your super pretty? I'm suprised you don't have a boyfriend."Naruto shrugged.

I blushed. "W-Well, I never thought about having boyfriend."I stuttered.

We walked inside his apartment.

I set my bags near the door and looked around. It's much smaller then when you saw it in the anime.

"Uh,I don't have an extra bed...I'll sleep on the floor and you take the bed."Naruto explained trying to hide his blush.

"Nonsense we can share the bed. Just act like I'm not there and sleep like you normally do,I shall do the same.....If you wake up with arms around you that's."I chuckled."I have a habit of cuddling things."

Naruto blushed harder.

I searched in my bags for my pajama's. When I finally found them I took off my shirt.

"W-What are you doing!"Naruto asked covering his eyes.

"Changing..?"I raised an eyebrow.

"C-Change in the bathroom!"He turned around.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't worry,I'm done anyway."

I had on a pink sleeveless nightgown.

"I'm going to bed."I waved and laid down on the bed.

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