Chapter three: Raimon VS Teikoku

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~Chapter three~

~Miku's POV~

I can't believe Kazemaru saw my sweet side, I thought to myself as I petted my new kitten that I saved yesterday.

Her fur was soft since we washed her and took her to the veteran, he said she was healthy but needs to eat more.

When I found the kitten, Kazemaru invited me to watch the game against Teikoku but I refused. But a part of me want to go and watch this might be their last game since they are playing against Teikoku.

I guess it won't hurt if I came it's not like I'll be playing, my thoughts were cut off by the maid. "Sorry for interrupting young mistress, but there is someone on the phone that wants to speak to you". She said giving me the phone "Hello Miku my name is Detective Onigawara Gengorou" (A/N O- stands for Onigawara, M-Miku)

M: What is it sir that you need from me

O: I want you to watch the Raimon game and collect data for me

M: I don't understand, first why would I do that and second why do you need data on the match

O: Well I need the data since I think Reiji is planning something

M: But still why would I do that 

O: You'll do that, or I'll tell the Raimon team about what happened before you transferred to Raimon

M: Fine I'll try and find something

I can't believe this now I have to go and collect some stupid data about the match, or he'll tell them about my past. That's something I can't afford them knowing.

The match is starting in 20 minutes if I begin to run now ill make it just in time, I grabbed my hoodie and put my laptop in a bag.

~Le time skip~

I was looking for a good place to watch the match where they won't see me, well I need a high place to watch but where.

It hit me like bricks the bridge! It wound be a great place. I ran as fast as  I could; I still don't get why would he need the data. 

There is no way Reiji can do something to the team since it's not his field, but you can never be too sure that dude is bad news.II sat down in a safe place and opened the laptop, the detective send me a little data on the team, so I know what I'm working with right now.

I started to record the match; it started with Raimon kickoff, first off was Pinky the dude I hate.He passes the ball to Matsune and charges towards Teikoku's goal.

Pinky dodges the slide tackle and passes the ball to Kazemaru, who is charging forward, they keep the ball in possession trough nonstop passing of the ball, they were messing up Teikoku rhythm.

The one shooting the ball is Pinky from the opposite end, the goalkeeper has no time to react to this speed but still catches it.

Genda Koujirou stopped the ball. Teikoku wins the first point in mere seconds by Jimon Daiki.That speed and power they are something.

The Raimon Eleven haven't got the strength to retaliate. The Teikoku team is strong no doubt but I think they are here because of something just can't get my finger on it.

The team tried as much as they can, but Teikoku scored 18 goals. The second half started, and they are using a hissatsu technique called 'Dead zone'.

I can't believe this they are hitting the Raimon team with the soccer ball, I can't just sit here and watch, but I can't risk playing.

Wait is that Gouenji under that tree, it was him I didn't even notice that the Teikoku team was hurting Raimon until only Endou was standing.

Endou was on his knees, but they kept hitting him, the wait was Teikoku waiting for Gouenji, to show up.When Teikoku hit, the ball Kazemaru jumped in front of Endou, to block it.

I can't wait anymore I have to help, I turned around just to see the detective. "Go help them I'll send the file to me later" I gave him a nod and ran passed him.

I stopped in front of Gouenji who was looking at the shirt some kid with glasses threw away "Gouenji I don't know why you stopped that day but please help me out now". He just stared at me and went to the field with me.

The referee stopped us "You two can't just come on the field, you are not on the team" god I did not think of that. "We don't mind if the guy played but in not so sure about the girl," said Kidou with a smirk on his face.

So they were after Gouenji "Miku is part of the team" the three of us turned around to see the principal's daughter. "Miku just did not give me the sing up form" (A/N I'm not sure what's it called forgive me)

They let us play but right now I need to concentrate on the match, Teikoku shot for the goal but was stopped by.....Endou with a hissatsu technique? Wait wut.

He threw the ball towards me, two Teikoku guys tried to slide tackle me, but I did a front flip and dodged them.  Gouenji was all the way on the other side of the field, well now or never might as well use it.

I jumped up dark mist surrounded me and the ball "Dark Kick" I kicked the ball towards Gouenji, one tried to stop the ball but failed.

 Gouenji used his famous fire tornado and scored a goal after that Teikoku forfeited the match, and the team celebrated because of that one goal.

"I'm glad you guys came; I hope we can play together from now on". Gouenji took of his shirt and gave it to Endou "this was only for today, you can thank you team mate there".

"Same here I was only here to help not to stay" as I was about to leave a voice called me "not so fast Miku."

What is it now, I turned around to see the principles daughter standing there "From this day on you are a member, and you can't quit" The fuq she says

"Since we had to lie to the referee about you, he asked for the form, so someone wrote one" she looked at a well-known aqua head.Oh, he is so dead.

"Kazemaru can you come over here" as those words came out off my mouth Kazemaru started to run. "Kazemaru Ichirouta come back here now."

The whole team was laughing at me chasing Kazemaru, when I catch him; he's dead meat.

~End of Chapter three~

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