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She took the blade from the palm of his and immediately went for his throat with it. Makashima didn't tempt to grab her, merely ducking out of the way and taking a step to the side. He had placed himself between her and the door so there was no other way beside going through him. He eye'd he but still made no attempt to come after her. Akane took this time to look him over, trying to decide what would be the best way to go about this situation. They were about five feet apart and it was both too close and not enough. 

She lunged toward him again with one last attempt at his neck. His left hand grabbed her by the wrist inches before the blade cut his throat and the right had grabbed her by the neck. With a quick twist of his hand, pain shot up her arm from the way he bent it and it forced her to drop the razor. He slammed her into the brick wall behind her, knocking the air out of her lungs. The hand around her neck made it hard for her to breath but he didn't completely block off her airway. He used his body to keep hers pinned to the wall, leaning his head down to brush his lips against the side of her jaw. Akane shivered, stiffening under his hold. 

"You impressed me, Inspector." He whispered against her ear, "I figured you would have taken the easy way." He let go of her neck to grab her jaw, pulling away to meet her gaze. His golden brown eyes always managed to seem so beautiful which made them even more unsettling. "But try that again and I assure you, you will be leaving here with more than just a few bruises." His voice was cold and he took a step back before backhanding her hard. The pain along with the force caused her to stumble to the ground. Her eyes began to water from the sting and she brought one hand up to hold the side of her cheek. Makashima was still staring down at her, letting out a quiet huff before he turned back to pick up the blade, heading out of the room. 

At least she wasn't still tied to the chair. She slumped down to the floor, laying the wounded cheek down on the cool concrete in an attempt to soothe it. She felt exhausted, she had no idea how much time had even passed from Yuki's death until now. Was it days? Or just hours? The hunger she felt along with the exhaustion seems like it had been at least a day. What was Ginazo-San doing right now? Was he made that she had gotten herself captured, was the team worried for her and looking? Or did they just assume he killed her… 
She shut her eyes, managing to drift off to sleep out of pure exhaustion. 

When she woke she felt even more sore than before from laying on the hard ground but she didn't let it bother her. She managed to get on her feet, walking over to the locked door to examine the handle. It seemed like a simple lock, nothing complex or high tech. If she had some tools she may have even been able to pick the lock but there was nothing in the room besides the two chairs and glass of water Makashima had brought. Curiously she pressed her ear to the door to see if she could hear anything. A soft humming sound came from the pipes in the walls but there were no voices or footsteps she could hear from this side. Sighing, akane pulled away, picking up the glass of water off the floor and gulping the clear liquid down. When she was done she pulled the cup away to examine in. She could break it and hide a shard up her jacket sleeve. But would it be worth doing so if she failed to free herself? What would he do if she didn't get away? 

Akane decided it was best to try than not too. She hit the end of the glass on the chair, causing three large shards to break off of it. She picked up one that stuck out and was more jagged than the other two before putting the left over shards back into the cup and sitting it under the chair Makashima sat in. Out of site, out of mind.
A small creak alerted her and she quickly put the shard up her jacket sleeve, nearly cutting herself in the process. She stepped back from the door, looking over expecting to see Makashima but it was a different man this time. His narrowed on her and they gave off an unnatural appearance. Brown hair came down to hang over the left side of his face but it didn't cover his features. His features were sharp like Makashima's but the man looked slightly older and didn't give off the same feel as him. Out of instinct she took several steps back, putting a good amount of distance between her and the man. 

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