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Slight trigger warning at the end. Nothing happens but threats are made to Akane by Makishima.

She finally stopped tasting blood which she figured was a good sign. Her body ached and she felt weak, he was only giving her small amounts of food and water, just enough to keep her going. 
When she woke after her failed escape attempt Makishima was right there waiting. He had broken her right wrist as punishment and hit her right in the jaw. He could have easily broken it but he wasn't using all of his force and Akane was at least grateful for that.

She realized that she was slipping in and out of consciousness at times. Which was probably for the best. But it also made it hard to track the time, how long had she been trapped in this room? A day or two? Several? She had no way of knowing. Time was no longer a concept to her. Somehow she managed to get enough strength to sit herself up against the corner of the room. Her wrist ached in protest but her face thanked her for it. 

Hearing the creaking of the door caused her to tense, knowing what was to come. Her eyes are the only thing that moved as it was pulled open, the white-haired man walking in. He had his usual flat expression but to Akane's irritation she had seen his face enough to see the faint glimmer of excitement in his eyes. He looked more disheveled than usual and there seemed to be a fresh bruise along his temple. He had walked over to her, kneeling down on one knee infront of her with his hand loosely draped over the other as he looked her in the eyes. He had a habit of getting uncomfortably close to her, something she thinks he did just to put her on edge. "It seems you aren't as important as we previously thought." A smug smirk tugged at his lip and he reached out his hand to brush a piece of hair behind her ear. And before he said anything else she already felt like she was about to break down into tears but she refused.

"I gave your hunting dog a choice." He said quietly. "To save you or go after me and it seems he found me to be the better choice. Unfortunately he failed his objective." The only giveaway that he was enjoying this was in his eyes. His expression and mannerisms were very controlled and she wondered why he cared so much to hide his amusement from her. 

Akane just stared at him, trying to process what he was telling her. "He could have saved me?" her voice sounded raw and weak and she hated it. 

Makishima nodded "I wonder if that makes me the master. Having so much control over someone that they can only focus on finding their way back to the one who created them." he muttered, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. 

She felt her bottom lip quiver at the thought of nearly being found. Only to be passed up for the man in front of her. Was she really that worthless to him? To the MWPSB? Was no one ever going to come for her? Akane had managed to put on a brave face for so long, she had managed not to shed a single tear in front of this man but now she could no longer hold it back. Her eyes began to water and her throat hurt from trying to hold back the sob. She wasn't going to be found, she was going to die here and no one was ever going to know… 

She had expected him to mock her tears but he didn't comment on it. He stood up, looking down at her. "You still have potential" he muttered before he turned his back toward her, heading toward the door "We will be leaving soon, Akane-Chan." His voice sounded gentle and that sent a chill down her spine. He had something planned for her.


Bright lights beamed down on him and the familiar smell of the sterile environment filled his nose. He didn't need to open his eyes to know where he was at, in fact he would have been happier if he didn't wake up. Not only had he failed to get Makishima but he also failed the inspector. Ko opened his eyes, letting the fluorescent lights blind him for a brief moment before he adjusted to them. And to his luck, he wasn't along. Gino was leaning against the wall across from his bed with his arms crossed, glaring at him over his glasses. 

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