*chapter seven*

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A/N: soooo I keep updating because I'm bored. Take advantage well you can I guess. Lol. Hope you enjoy. Remember your loved.

Shinso POV:
                       When papa and I arrived at 11:30am all we saw was a frantic denki. He was crying and yelling waving his one mobile arm around trying to keep the doctor and nurse in the room away from him. He was yelling things like "I don't need the stupid feeding tube!" And "I don't have an eating disorder!" He coughed frantically after every sentence. Poor Denki. Dad was in the room trying to calm Denki down so that he could be restrained and tubed but he was having a full on panic attack. Papa and I rushed over to Denki. He finally realized I was there after yelling "IM JUST GOING TO TAKE IT OUT AGAIN!" He was coughing into a dish like before. I held his hair back for him. He looked at me with tear filled eyes. He was scared. I hugged him, shielding his vision of his mobile arm. The nurse slowly slipped his hand into a restraint and tightened it. I looked at him he was still crying but less. He was calming down. Dad spoke to him after I released him from my hug. "Denki, I know your scared and I know you don't want the feeding tube and forced calories that come with it; but you need it. I'll be here the whole time." Dad sounded empathetic towards him. Denki looked at dad tear filled eyes puffy cheeks and all and nodded. The doctor walked over to the side of his broken arm and explained what was going to happen and what to do. Dad held denkis hand when he started to panic again.

Denki POV:
                      I'm scared. I'm panicking. Is this a panic attack. I can't breathe. I hear myself shouting things and feeling myself cough. Shinso? He held me. I love it when he holds me. I love him. I started to calm down. I heard mr.aizawa reassure me everything will be okey. The doctor explained what to do. I feel trapped. I don't want to do this. I felt mr.aizawa hold my hand. I calmed down. Then it began.

Aizawa POV:
                       The doctor grabbed the tube and started to put it through his nose like he was threaded a needle. You could hear denkis sharp swallow when he swallowed the tube. His yellow eyes looked lifeless as the tube was taped in place. "Denki are you okey?" I questioned. He slowly nodded fighting back tears. I rubbed his hand trying to get him to feel again. This kids moods and emotions were all over the place. Just goes to show you how scattered his brain is. The doctor then asked denki a question he probably didn't wanna hear. "Are you ready for the next step?" Denki didn't respond he lied there lifeless like all hope was gone. From what the doctors told me the kid weighed only 88 pounds which is dangerous underweight. "Denki"I heard Shinso say. He walked up to his right side and turned his face to face him. I got up and whispered in the doctors ear 'I think he needs some time to adjust' the doctor agreed and all three of us left leaving Denki and Shinso alone.

Denki POV:
                     It felt like all my power was taken away from me. Like everything I've worked for vanished. Like I was empty. No. Lifeless. I heard Shinso. I didn't answer. He turned my head to face him my dull eyes meet his. "Denki, can you answer two questions for me?" I slowly nod twice. I didn't feel like moving. I didn't feel like speaking eather, it made my throat hurt and I could feel the tube in my nose and throat. It hurt. Like a sting from ten bees. It also felt bulky with shame and guilt. I felt a tear roll down my cheek from my soulless eyes. "How much do you normally eat in a day?" The purple hair boy questioned. I held up ten fingers 12 times slowly. "120 calories a day Denki?" He questioned again I nodded again. I felt his worry. I just wanted to be left alone. To wither away. I wanted to hide from everyone. He said something about being back in a moment then he left to probably not return. I felt so exposed.

Shinso POV:
                       I left Denki reluctantly to tell dad what I learned. I saw him talking to the doctor. I decided to east drop.
Dad: -long will he have to use the tube?
Doc: it's hard to say. The re-feeding process can be difficult for patients like Denki. Depending on how many calories he normally consumes in a day it could be up to five months.
Dad: that's going to be ruff on a kid like him. You can tell from the way he's been acting he doesn't feel safe and doesn't trust anyone but Shinso.
Papa: this is true, and Shinso is still only a child he doesn't know how to help.
Doc: the best we can do for Denki and your son is to keep them together for as long as possible and try to get denki to open up more.

I decided to walk up to them now. The three looked at me. I looked at them and told them. "I asked Denki how much he ate in a day..." I could feel the tears welt in my eyes. I continued. "...he said he only ate 120 calories a-a day". Dad and papa both hugged the now crying me. The doctor thanked me for finding this out and went up to the nurses station so they could put it in his file. We walked back to see Denki didn't move an inch. It's like he was trapped in his own world. "Denki?" He looked up at me. "A-are you ready now?" I hopes he was. He needed to gain weight. He was already probably going to miss the rest of the school year and summer break to a hospital. He nodded slowly. He didn't look ready and probably wasn't but this was for the best. Dad went and told the doctor and he walked in the room with a bag with something in it that looked like baby food. It was labeled 150 calories. I guess that's how much they were giving him today.

Denki POV:
                      Everything faded together. Like a bad dream. The doctor walked over to me right next to Shinso staying a good distance away and got to eye level. "We're going to start you off with 150 calories today, okey?" I nodded and talked for the first time after being tubed. It was harder to talk and hurt more when I coughed. "Can, I, see it?" I asked still full like a rag doll. He held the bag for me letting me examine it. I took a while before nodding and turned away from the Machine that was going to pump me full of calories like a fat pig. I faced mr.aizawa and mr.mic. They both were holding my hand giving me reassurance. I heard the pump start. The semi-loud noise scared me. I was broken from the transects I was in and started to cry as the calories entered me. My eyes filled with tears of shame and sadness. I wanted to hide more then ever. The pumps noise was drilling into my ears scaring me more each time. Everyone had empathy and worry on their faces. But then I couldn't hear the pump anymore. No. Instead I heard music. Shinso smiled at me. It took my mind off the pump. I started to drown in the lyrics. Sailing on the melodys and my tears. I drifted off into my thoughts and sleep. I had forgotten how much energy I waisted and how much I didn't have. I needed this. Thank you Shinso.

A/N: I hoped you enjoyed! I'll probably update again today!
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