*chapter five*

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A/N: OMG wow! Views doubled over night. Thank you sooo so much! Enjoy the chapter!

Denki POV:
                      Black. No. dark gray. No. light gray. No. white. Blinding. I can't see. Everything is bright. Is this heaven? No it smells weird. Like cleaning supplies. A hospital. I survived. I feel. I feel cold. My hand. My hand feels. Warm. "De-" I hear something. "Denk-" it's getting louder "Denki" it's mr.Aizawa. He. He's here. I survived? No. I need to try. Try again. I looked at him, then I looked at all the wires and machines. Are these what's keeping Me alive? "Denki it's okey, just listen okey?" Mr.Aizawa said calmly. I looked back at him tears started to form in my eyes. Kill me. Please? "When you" he paused. Is he not suppose to tell me? "Jumped, you broke a lot of bones and injured a bunch of internal organs..." I drowned him out. I fucked up. What's my life going to be like now. Will I be able to try again. Has my 'dad' found out? "...you're going to make a full recovery. Which is good..." I'll be able to try again. Great.

Aizawa POV:
                        I could tell he was drowning me out from time to time. I have to tell him he's on suicide watch and his dad is going to prison for neglect. I should do it when Shinso is here so he will be more calm. "Denki, I need to take your vitals." Nice nurse said. He looked to be out of it. I walked out of the ICU room as nice nurse started to ask denki questions.

3erd person POV:
                             The nurse asked him questions like "do you remember why you tried to commit suicide?" And "did you ever have a history of drug or alcohol abuse?" He didn't answer not even one question. He was lifeless. His one chance at freedom was taken away from him. He wasn't freed.

Denki POV:
                     This nurse is annoying. I'm not answering the stupid questions they probably already know the answer to. I gained enough strength in my fixed arm to pull my hair away from my eye. Recovery girl must have tried to help. I put my hand near the bottom of my nose and pushed the hair away. I felt something off. I felt a tube going into my nose. "It's a feeding tube." The annoying nurse said as she took my hand off my face and placed it near my side. A. A feeding. A feeding tube. Nonononononononononononononononono. No. This can't be happening. No this can't. I don't weigh that little yet. Why is there a tube. "Wh-why" my throat is on fire. I hurts really bad. Why dose it hurt so bad. Ow. "Sh, it's okey don't try to talk I'll explain..." why dose my throat hurt bitch! I looked at her mad and scared. "From what was found in your room and on your phone we have reason to believe you have a eating disorder." Fuck. I've fucked up more. They know. Everything. I'm fucked.
I need to escape this place when I can move. I will try again.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter. Hope you love it.

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