8 : Necklaces and Jealousy.

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Mia's POV

(When the text is in the middle, it means that's it's a phone call)


- Please Mia !"

I sighed.

"I'm not very sure about this..

- Come on Mia, you know all the members care about you. It's not because you broke up with Taehyung that we can't hang out anymore !"

I looked at my necklace in the mirror.

It was a gift from Taehyung for my birthday and even if I was dating someone else, I couldn't put it away.

I sighed as my fingers were caressing the golden metal. Maybe it's time to return it after all.

"I will come after practice, okay ?

- You'll bring food ?

- Namjoon ! Do you guys miss me or the food ?"

He laughed.

"Just kidding, just come okay ? 

- I will.."

I hang up and sighed. I guess that I should prepare some food then ?

Few hours later

I pushed the door of the room and saw the boys gathered around the table. 

They smiled but seemed puzzled. But happy. 

"Namjoon-ah, you didn't tell I was coming ?"

He looked away and I sighed.

I put the food on the table and started to talk with them, avoiding Taehyung even if I could feel his glance on me.

His hair was messy and he seem tired with his mask on his chin, eating the food I prepared.

How can this piece of trash look so good even in this condition ?

"Isn't that Taehyung's necklace ?"

I looked at Hoseok and the room became silent. F*ck. Now I need to give it back or it'll be weird.

"Oh yeah, I was planning on returning it so.."

I removed the necklace, and handed it to Taehyung.

"That's.. Yours. Take it back."

He looked at me, surprised.

"I don't want it, keep it.

- But-

- Keep it Mia."

He stared in my soul. Oh no, you don't control me Taehyung. 

I put it on the table.

"Well someone take it because it will stay on this table.

- Why are you so stubborn ?

- Why do you absolutely want me to keep it ? We are exs Taehyung !

- And why can't you just keep it ?

- Because you're my ex ! You bought it as a love gift and there's nothing such as love between us anymore !"

He raised his eyebrows. There was definitly a tension in the air. I knew coming here wasn't a good idea..

"So you finally moved on uh ?

- Oh come on ! Do you think you're the center of the world ? 

- That's not what you said when you came over few months ago."

I giggled nervously. I was drunk, how can he use this argument ? Plus it was months ago.

"And you said that you'd love me forever. You said that we'd marry and have kids. But here we are, Kim Taehyung."

We stared at each other in silence.

"So.. Does that mean that you're dating someone ?" Jimin asked.

I looked at Jimin.

"Yes I am."

Taehyung giggled and stood up.

"What's so funny ?

(hoseok) - oh no there it goes again..

- I don't know, you seemed like you couldn't move on last time Mia.. 

- But what's up with you ? We're not together anymore, of course I would've moved on ! I want to marry and have kids Taehyung, and you're not the only one who can give that to me."

I stared at him but he was staring at the ground.

"Anyways, so how's the food ?"

They looked at me, surprised by how fastly I changed the subject but then followed the move.

Seriously, what's up with Taehyung ?

Seriously, what's up with Taehyung ?

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