chapter 5: who can i trust...?

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Adeline POV
*after school*
I walked out of school, like every normal kid does, and walks home. Since I have to be home at a certain time, and since I have no friends, I can go home early and not worry about anything...
I make it home, to find no one home.
'This is unusual...i thought at least my mother would be home...oh well. I guess I'll go and get my homework knocked out.'
As I was walking up the stairs to her room, I felt someone grab my hand and pull me down the stairs. I had to have hit my head on something, because my head was bleeding. I winced in pain and looked to see who pulled me down...It was my own father...

"Father...? W-what are you doing?" I asked with fear in my voice.
I see my father open a beer, chug it down, and smash the bottle on the counter. When he smashed the beer bottle on the counter, I jumped. I had a feeling I knew what was going to happen next.

"YOU ARE WORTHLESS TO ME!" he yelled at me as he hit me with the bottle. Tiny shards of glass went in my skin and some hit the floor.

He hit me again...
And again...
And all those times he hit me, I screamed in pain

He hits me one last time. He went to the fridge, got another beer, and went to his room.

I sit where I am, crying and looking at the blood puddle I'm sitting in. I got up and went to my backpack, while limping. I open my backpack and grabbed my phone.
'At least it's not broken'
I go to Aaron's contact and text him even though it's 11pm, it's worth a shot.

Addie: Hey Aaron..are you awake?

few minuets later

Aaron: Ya I'm awake. everything ok?


Aaron: What happened? Are you ok?

Addie: I'm fine. Well, not physically but I'll be alright. I was wondering if I could stay at your place tonight?

Aaron: Um, ya sure. But you're going to explain what happened once you're over. I'll send you my address.
### Mystreet Lane

Addie: I'll be there in a few.

I get some clothes in another bag and make my way out the door. I close it carefully, then I start walking. I get there within 10 minuets. I make my way up to his door and ring the doorbell. A minuet or so later, the door opens.

Aaron POV
I heard the doorbell ring and I quickly made my way to the front door. I open it to see Addie. But she has all of these cuts all over her body and her clothes...IS THAT BLOOD?!
"Addie, why is there blood on clothes?!" I asked her with concern.
She looks at the ground and says, "My father beat me up again...that's why i asked to come i feel safe..."
"Well, come in. I'll take a look at what your father has done to you." I say, moving out of the way to let her in.

----Magical time skip 0-0-----

Addie explained everything to me as I cleaned her wounds up. She got beat up pretty bad...
once she was cleaned up, I told her to go into the bathroom to change.

Adeline POV
I go up to Aaron's bathroom and got changed and tried to brush my hair. After that I pulled it into a messy bun, I went out to find Aaron sitting on the couch watching Demon Slayer.
(guys thats a great anime. back to the story...)
He turns around, gets up from the couch and hugs me. I hug back after a moment. He lets go, takes my clothes and puts them in the washer. Then he comes back to me and says, "Are you ok? Do you need anything?"
"N-no...not really..." I reply stuttering. It was kinda cold in his house so that's probably why I'm stuttering. He must've read my mind or something because as soon as I know it, he was already taking his jacket off.
"Here." he says handing me his jacket.
I look at him, hesitated, then accepted it and he helped me put it on since I have so many bandages on me. It was huge on me. It felt like I was wearing clothes a size from what I wear. I let a yawn out from where I'm standing.
"You must be tired. I'll show you where you'll be sleeping." he says. We walk up the stairs and go to the room where I'll be staying. This room looks like his room but i wasn't quite sure.
"This is the room you will be staying in. This is my room." he says as he leans against the doorway.
"Where will you sleep?" I ask him curiously.
"Depends...I could sleep with you." he says, smiling.
I blush and look at the floor.
"If you don't mind that is." he says
"...I-I don't m-mind..." I say still looking at the ground, blushing.
"Alright well, we better get to bed then." he says.
As we both climb into his bed, I instantly fall asleep. I felt his back against my back as I drift off to sleep.

"You're a coward."
"W-who said that?"
"You're useless to the world"
"I don't understand...what's going on?"
"Stop...stop it all please!"
"Nobody cares for you, Adeline."
"N-no...that's not true...I-"

Aaron POV
I woke up to someone crying. I take a look at my phone: it's 1:30am on a Saturday.  I look over to see Addie in a ball crying and shaking like crazy in her sleep.
'She must be having a nightmare...'
I  move closer to her and wrap my arms around her and it seemed to calm her down a bit but she was still crying. I start petting her hair as she turned to face me and nuzzles into my chest. I blush a little as I keep petting her hair and soon I fall asleep.

The next morning
Adeline POV
I woke up to find strong arms wrapped around my waist and a broad chest in front of me. I look up to see that it was Aaron. I blush and I try to escape from within his arms, without waking him up.
It didn't work though.
"Good morning Addie...*yawn*" Aaron says sleepily.
"Morning Aaron..." I said as I move to the edge of the bed. 'Why does he use that nickname?'
"Wanna get something to eat?" He asks sitting up on one arm.
"...I-I should get going...I don't want my father to find out I snuck out last night..." I say truthfully, stuttering.
As I got up, so did Aaron.
'Why is he acting like this? D-does Aaron like me?!'
I shake that thought away. I don't want to think like that. Mutes can't be in relationships.
"W-why are you going back to your house when your father abuses you?" He asks
"Because I don't want to leave my mother there alone with him..."
"...Alright...but you call me if you need anything or if something happens, got it?" He says, crossing his arms.
I nod my head and went to get my things. As I got everything, I make my way out of his house. I say goodbye and then start walking. I feel a knot forming in my stomach as I leave his house. Like I'm drawn to it or something. I couldn't explain it. Now to get home...
Aaron POV
I hate that I let Addie leave my house and go back to her father. After everything he's done to her...Ugh whatever. It was her choice and I told her to call if anything happens so it should be alright...I should be alright...right?
'Do I like Adeline...?' I blush at my thought and considered it. I've offered her a place, I was talking to a mute, I held her close to me and petted her hair...those all seem like clues...but i don't know if she feels the same way...
'I do like Adeline...'
Adeline POV
I make it back home, and surprised not to see my father out in the living room. I walk up the stairs slowly, trying not to get caught. I got to the top and ran straight to my room and closed my door.
I let out a huge silent sigh as I pull my phone out and text Aaron:
Adeline: I made it home. I didn't get caught either. Thank you for letting me stay over.
I put my phone down after I sent that and unloaded my backpack and put everything back to the way it was. I sit on my bed and hear my phone buzz. A text from Aaron that says:
Aaron: I'm glad you made it home safely and nothing bad happened. Just know you're always welcomed to come over. 8D
I smile and blush at the words he texted as I'm reading it. Then I laugh once I see the face. I always hated that face. I-I'm blushing?! What does this mean? S-should I ask him if he likes me? I-is that too fast?! I don't even know if I l-like him!
(Author/aka me: you're stuttering so I take that as a yes. Plus there was multiple signs.
Adeline: s-shut up! Get back to the story!
Author: alright, alright fine...)
I put my phone down and decided to get some sleep.
Maybe I do like Aaron...

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