chapter 15: today's the day...

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Today's the day...I'm going to ask her to marry me. This is the ring I have for her

 This is the ring I have for her

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It's beautiful...just like her. Yes, I already asked her father if I could marry her.

"Hey Aaron"

I immediatly hide the ring and turn around.

"H-hey Adeline!" I say nervously

"What are you doing?"

"Oh nothing. Just planning for tonight. Speaking of tonight, we're going out tonight so dress fancy, but not too fancy." I say winking at her which caused her to blush the color of redstone.

I cannot wait for tonight...

Aaron said we're going out tonight and to wear something fancy but not to fancy. I walk to my room and sit on the bed. I hope I have the right dress...I think I know someone who can help me out. I take a look in my closet before I ask for help. I didn't find anything good for tonight so I got my phone out and text the one person who can help me with this, Cadenza.

A- Adeline
C- Cadenza

A:Hey Cadenza
C:Hey what's up?
A:Aaron says we're going out tonight and said to wear something fancy but not too fancy and I don't think my dresses I have are in that category. Can you help me please?
C:OHMYIRENEYESICANHELPYOU! Just come over. I want Aaron's jaw to drop when he sees you in the dress I'm going to make for you!
A:Thank you so much Cadenza! I owe you big time! Heading over there in a few.

I turn off my phone and run to the door.
"Aaron! I'm headed to Cadenza's! Let me know if you need anything!"
"Just be back before 5pm! Love you" he yells
----------time skip----------
So I made it to Cadenza's house and she was already working on a few dresses for me, along with some laid out incase I wanted something different.
Here are a few dresses she has out for me:

 Here are a few dresses she has out for me:

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