Chapter 10: new beginnings...

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When we got to the room, he set me down on the bed and sat down in the chair beside the bed. I looked at him worriedly. I haven't been to the doctors in 5 years. He just takes me hand and gives it a squeeze.
"Ah, Adeline, how've you been?" The doctor asks
"Uh, I've been good up until now I guess." I say
"I see. So what happened this time?" He asks
"Uh, well, I was trying to get out of bed this morning when I just collapsed on the floor. I couldn't get up." I say looking at my legs.
"Hmm...I remember you have had a problem like this in the past. Let me take a look at them."
He looks at my legs and tries to do the reflex thingie.
He hit my knee with them and they don't move.
"I see..." he says with a frown
I get worried and look over at Aaron. He looks at me with reassuring eyes.
"Well, I got some bad news." The doctors says
"What is it doctor?" Aaron asks
"Adeline...your legs are paralyzed. I can't do anything to make them not be paralyzed." He says
I look at him then my legs. I won't be able to do what I always do, walk.
"You guys can leave if you want. It's pretty upsetting news. I'll see you the next time you guys come in. I'll have someone come by and give you a wheelchair for you to use." The doctor says leaving the room.
Once the wheelchair is in the room, I just look at it.
"You ready to go?" Aaron asks
I nod my head and he picked me and set me in the wheelchair then wheels me out of the room and to the car.
——time skip to Aaron's house——
We get inside and Aaron sits me down on the couch. He kisses my forehead and then goes into the kitchen. That's when I started crying. I wasn't making myself cry though, the tears came out first. Then I did cry. I couldn't keep it in. I just found out I was paralyzed for what may be forever! Can you imagine that and feeling the way I do?
Aaron comes back in the living room and I quickly wipe my tears. I hate when he sees me cry, makes me feel weak...
"I know you were crying Addie." He says looking at me.
I look down and say nothing.
"Anyways, I know this isn't a good time but I can't keep it in anymore." He says sitting down in front of me grabbing both my hands.
"Adeline Rae, I have known you for what seems like years. I know this year was hard for you but I've been there for you through it all. It's painful for me to see or hear you cry. So, with all this being said, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks.
I look at him, my face beaming and blushing as I said "yes! A million times yes!"
He comes over to me and hugs me. He moves a strand of hair away from my eyes and places his hand on my cheek. I look into his raven colored eyes and then the gap between us was no longer a gap. He was kissing me, but with more affection and more emotion. I kissed him back and we ended up having a make out session. It's weird because of my legs...but I'll have to get used to it if he's my boyfriend.
Time skip to the morning brought to u by Irene 0-0
I woke up and saw Aaron laying beside me holding me close to him. I turn the other way and face towards him and snuggle into his chest. His arms move and pull me closer to him as he kisses my head. I felt so much safer with him than anyone else. I look up to him and boop him on the nose smiling. He knows I'm ticklish and I guess you guys didn't know that so know you know. Then he starts ticking me. He knows just how to make me happy even when I'm in a situation like this. i forgot winter break was over with so i had panic in my eyes.
"Aaron, what am I gonna do? I can't go to school with my legs paralyzed! People are going to make fun of me AGAIN!" I say worriedly.
"Babe, don't worry, once we get to school, I'll see if the principle can switch all of your classes to the classes I have. So I'll be there all throughout school" he says putting his arm around me.
I get changed into comfortable clothes since I can't really wear our uniform but who cares. Aaron goes downstairs and sets me in my wheelchair. He tells me to stay and wait. So I just pulled out my phone and started looking on social media while waiting for him. As I'm waiting, I get a text from Aph.

Aph: Hey Adeline! Hope you're doing good! I have a surprise for you at school so tell Aaron to hurry up and get you hear!

I dont text back because I didn't feel like it and because Aaron was done. He grabs my backpack and hands it to me. After he hands it to me, he pushes me to his car. The fun thing about having a wheelchair is watching Aaron try to put it in his car. It's funny to me, but not to him. He gets annoyed by it and sometimes slams the door. I hate seeing him upset but it's kinda funny. He's like a mad puppy!
Once we get to school, Aaron grabs my wheelchair and sets me in it.
"Hey guys!" A voice says
I turn my head around to that it was Aph.
"Hey Aph!"
"Woah what happened! What did the doctors say?" She asks
I look down and say "that's a story for another time. I don't feel like talking about it. Sorry Aphmau."
"That's ok! I totally understand. When your ready, you can tell me and I'll help."
*Ring ring ring*
"That's the bell! I'll see you guys later!" She says running to her classroom.
Aaron starts pushing me towards the direction of the principles office.
"Hello Aaron! And Adeline, my Irene, what happened to you?" Principle W says
"Thats what we came here to talk about." Aaron says
"Well, you guys can come into my office so we have a little privacy to talk about this." Principle W says gesturing to her door. We walk in and Aaron pulls me in between the 2 chairs and sits in one of them.
"Now then, Adeline, why are you in a wheelchair?"
" morning I was trying to get up and make breakfast but then out of nowhere I just suddenly fall to the ground and couldn't get up. I went to the doctors yesterday and they said I was paralyzed. There's nothing they can do about it either." I say
Principle W looks at me with a sad smile.
"I'm so sorry to hear about that. I really hope you get better. I know they can't fix your legs but I know mentally you're not ok with this. You're upset. Is there anything else I can do for you?" She asks
"Well, I was wondering if you could switch my classes to the same ones Aaron has since he's helping me through all this. And because he doesn't leave my side." I say acknowledging Aaron
"I don't see the problem in that. Aaron, I'm glad you're helping Adeline. You guys are so cute. Let me see your schedule and I'll change it right here, right now."
I blush and give her my schedule. I watch her do all the switching and all that fun stuff. Then she prints it out and hands it to me and says "here's your new schedule! You guys be careful, ok? And Adeline I will send an email to the teachers to explain what the situation is so don't rush yourself to get caught up in those classes. You guys both have a wonderful day!"
"Thank you!" Aaron says walking us both out.
Aaron doesn't have to look at his schedule well, because I have the same schedule as him now. So he knows how to get there and all that.
So now my schedules like this:
1st block- science
2nd block- algebra
3rd block- creative writing
4th block- WWF101
Why do I have to have Algebra?! I've always failed math because no one will help me and I suck at math!
—————-time skip to lunch————-
Finally! Lunch time!
Aaron wheels me over to a table and pulls our our food.

This is what we're both having and it smells so good! He gives me some and I start eating

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This is what we're both having and it smells so good!
He gives me some and I start eating.! These are so good!!!
"Hey Aaron?"
"Ya?" He says raising an eyebrow
"Did you make these?"
"Ya I did. Why? Are they bad?" He says looking at me.
"Nononononono! They're really good! These might be my new favorite food!" I say
He blushes slightly and says "thanks Addie"
I smile at him and keep eating.
"Well, hello Adeline."
I turn my head around to see...

Another cliffhanger for ya! Hehehehe lol. I also have other stuff to do sooooo that's y I ended it here.
Also! I'm still thinking ab a new story and the new story will be a sequel to this book if I finish it the way I want to. More to come on that one.
I'll see u all again soon! Bye~

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