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Annie P.O.V

   "Annie! Come on!" I hear my brother Caleb yell from downstairs. I rush down the stairs with my suitcase. I get downstairs and go outside to put my suitcase in the trunk of my moms car that we'll be taking on a vacation for Christmas. Oh how I dread this. every year my brother Caleb and his friend Asher always come up with a way to make me look like a fool. they constantly emotionally abuse me,not physically of course but to top it all off my mom and dad rarely care for me. the only family that really  cares about me or at least shows is my little sister Hayley. Asher's mom coco also treats me like her own daughter but besides that there's not many people who care or at least show. 

   i hear caleb snap me out of my thoughts. i jump in the backseat and pull out a bag of chips i brought with me only for caleb to snatch them out of my hands. "Caleb!" i yell.                                    "i'm hungry and didn't bring food" he tells me stuffing the bag of chips down his throat. 

   "mom!" i yell looking at her. "Juliana be nice to your brother!" she yells starting the engine of the car. We start driving our 5 hour drive to meet up with the angels. its an every year thing. i used to enjoy it when i was close with asher when we were like 9 but then when we turned 12 he and caleb started treating me like crap. my mother always treated me that way ever since her and my  dad split when i was 13. caleb has always been the 'good child' as my mother would say. my father is to occupied with his new family to acknowledge mine and my siblings existence. i pull out my laptop and start writing the romance novel i had been writing these past 2 months called "see threw" its about a young girl who convinces herself she is invisable because no one pays her attention but little does she know about a boy who notices every little move she makes. boring i know. i never said i was good at i, its just an escape from life. when things get hard i write like there's no tomorrow.

   After 3 hours of writing and listening to music i see the little bar pop up on my lap top screen telling me its dead. i sadly close it and lean my head against the window falling asleep after placing my laptop next to me. 

around 2 1/2 hours later i was woken up by falling out of the car my face meeting the ground. i look up only to have my eyes meet ashers and calebs laughing faces. i roll my eyes as i stand up and picking up my phone along with my headphones that fell out as of my phone being in my lap. i look at them. 

"Seriously! you guys couldn't of woken me up like a normal person!?" i yell obviously aggravated at the two. "well we could but this way was more fun" asher says smiling at me. "for you guys"i say turning around an grabbing my laptop from the seat and my purse from the floorboard. "well we have to share rooms this year so come on guys." we all three turn around and look at hayley. we nod and go in. 

as soon as we enter the cabin my mom starts talking "okay everyone here are the room arrangements! since we don't have enough rooms this year we have to share! there are 5 rooms and 9 of us so we have Coco and Jody, Me in a room alone, London and Hayley, Avi and Caleb, and then Asher is with uhh who's left?... right annie!" my mom finishes. my eyes widen as i stare at my mom well it was more of a glare. 

  theres the first chapter! i hope you enjoyed it! i really tried.

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