chapter 3

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I stayed still on my sleeping mat,nothing had really happened.I started to give up and grow tired.I was about to fall asleep when I heard Doggy getting up.
"I can't take this anymore,I can't bear to see my friends suffer anymore..."
In an instant,I jumped out of my sleeping mat and smacked a weird potion out of his hand.The potions glass shattered and I could feel Doggy watching me.Anger boiled through my body. "Are you stupid!?What are you trying to do!Die or something!?"I felt tears run down my face,Doggy looked terrified. "Would you know how it would feel to carry a guilt knowing I could've stopped you and carry it with me until I die?" He wasn't paying attention to me,he grabbed a axe nearby and held it against me.I stood there confused.
" were infected the whole time." I now noticed that the tears I was crying was just black liquid."What?No,it's not what it looks like!I didn't know,I haven't hurt anyone yet!"I argued at him.I then screamed in pain, I started to loose my vision and I couldn't feel my body.My scream had attracted another infected person.I recognised her,she is Penny's best Friend...Sheepy...we ran towards Doggy. I don't want to be a monster.I raised my arm. Sheepy raised her hammer. I NEED STILL NEED TO FIND GEORGE!

Doggy POV:

I should've just stayed away.I always help other and trust them,but then I get backstabbed.I closed my eyes,waiting to for death...but I remained untouched.I slowly opened my eyes and I saw Akasuki in front of me,a hammer on her head.She had blocked the other persons attack.She grabbed the infecteds arm and she slammed her on the floor.The infected screamed and she soon fainted.Akasuki grabbed her hand and bit her wrist.Black liquid ran down her hand and soon Akasuki also fainted.I dropped the axe and ran towards Akasuki. "Akasuki?Akasuki!NO,No,no...Please don't die,you're the only one I have left..." I then checked her pulse and her breathing. She's alive. I then checked the other persons pulse and breathing. She's also fine too.I then cried myself to sleep.

"What if"...{Completed} A Roblox Piggy (Alpha) fan storyWhere stories live. Discover now