Chapter 19

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God pov

Talid aimed her gun at me and then fired.Luckily I was able to dodge it.

"Bunny and Elly!I need you to stay with Akasuki and protect her!Beary,go follow where ever Dolly ran off to!The rest of you needs to stay with me" I shouted.We all nodded and did what we were told.

"We need something to snap Talid into reality!Something to make her remember!" George explained.

"I'll distract Talid while you guys get the stuff" Doggy said before running off.Me,Foxy and George looked at each other and ran in diffrent directions.

Elly POV:

"Please Akasuki!You can't stand up in the state your in!" Bunny shouted,holding Akasuki.

"But what if they get hurt!Or what if Talid does something and-"

"Akasuki Please!You need to calm down.They're capable of what they're doing,you just gotta believe in them" I said in a soft tone.

Akasuki Finally gave up and stared at the others.

"I just don't want them hurt because of me..." she whispered.Me and Bunny looked at each other.

"Don't worry,things will get better soon" Bunny said looking away.
Akasuki Burried her face onto Bunny's chest before crying again.
I looked at Bunny and we decided to go somewhere safer.

"Do you really think you can just walk off?" said a feminine voice.We turned around to see Iku.

"Don't worry!I'll make your death quick!So you won't have to feel anything" Iku giggled.

I Grabbed my spear and Bunny grabbed her crossbow.

Dolly POV:

"Iku!Where are you!?" I shouted,anger raising inside of me.
I then saw somebody lying on the floor.I ran to them and crouched next to them.

"Are you Okay?" I asked.They turned around before letting a small sigh.

"I'm sorry Dolly,I'm sorry,whatever Iku fed her sister,it might make Akasuki turn into something,maybe not but Please,go find Iku and Akasuki,don't worry about me,this old man has alot of stuff that needs to be done" Mr.P sighed before standing up.

"But Mr.P!You are in no good condition to continue what you are doing!" I shouted,he did have a purple eye and cuts almost all over his body.He had blood falling down from his head and he was having a hard time standing still.

"Mr.P,Please,You must not move,just,you need to rest,do not worry about the others" I whispered.
He sighed and closed his eyes.

I heard footsteps behind me.I turned around to see Beary running towards me.

"Beary?Why are you here?" I asked.
"I just followed you here,I'm making sure you don't get hurt" He responded.

George POV:

I placed the plank down and grabbed the hammer.I looked at the other shelf to see something red.

"Oh a apple!" I said to myself before grabbing It and biting it.

"Seriously George?" God said next to me before picking up the hammer.

"Sorry" I said looking at the floor.
I bit onto the apple before grabbing my bat and running upstairs.

I saw Doggy running around the pillars as Talid aimed at him and fired.I walked behind Talid.

"Hey Talid,turn around" I said.She looked at me and I swung my bat at her head,knocking her out.

"George?I thought you were supposed to help the others!" Doggy said.

"Oh,about that,I might stay here!" I explained,looking at the unconscious body.

"While she is unconscious,what're we going to do with that?" Doggy asked,pointing something above me.
I turned around and looked up to see two people inside a black ball.

"I'm not sure,but I think it has something to do with Talid" I mumbled.

"Oh wait,Doggy can you lift me?I might be able to reach it,and I'll see what I can do to it" I said,turning to Doggy.He nodded and I got on his shoulders.

I raised my bat and hit the ball but it didn't bulge.

"Doggy,you can put me down,I hit it with my bag but nothing happened." I said looking at him.

"Try using my axe instead" Doggy said handing me his axe.

"I- uh- where did you even-"

"Just do it already!"

I sighed and I swung the axe,I could faintly hear a small crack.I removed the axe from my view and looked at the ball,it has a crack.

"Hey Doggy,It worked!" I cheered.

"That's cool and all but uh 1) Please be Carefull with the axe & 2) Talid is gaining consciousness." Doggy said.

I looked down to see Talid getting up.

"Doggy Put me down!" I shouted.He nodded and just dropped me,resulting a bruise on my back proberly.

"You could've just put me down,not just like,drop me or something?" I stuttered through pain,not to mention the floor was hard.

She ran to Doggy and swung her arm to him.

"Doggy watch out!" I shouted.
He turned around and dodged her attack.

"You fools just won't leave us huh?This is none of your concern" Talid sneered before reloading her gun.

"Little sis wait!" God shouted from a corner.Talid turned and frowned.

"Don't even call me sister,and you really had to disturb me,did you?"

I stood up and ran to her,jumping on her and tackling her to the ground.

Bunny POV:

"Akasuki!Stay back!" I shouted,covering her with one of my arm.

"Aw,Bunny playing the hero?You're just stepping into my business and Ruining it!" Iku shouted,anger growing.

"But what you're doing isn't right!Your actions are hurting others and putting others in danger!You have to stop!" Elly shouted.

"Enough with the good chit chat,I'll just end you all" Iku sighed.

"If you don't listen I'll tell mom!" Akasuki shouted.Iku flinched and looked at Akasuki.

"Mother will be so disappointed,you know she wouldn't want to see her daughter causing troubles and putting other in risk.She won't like it" Akasuki smiled as she walked closer.

"Iku,you don't have to do this,I'll be fine,I'm strong,and I'll live,for you,and mother" Akasuki whispered,placing her hand on Iku's cheek.

"But I don't want you to turn into a monster,they scare me and I can't think about the idea of you as one of those..." Iku mumbled.

I lowered my bow and looked over to Elly,smiling softly.

We decided to leave them alone for some time.

A/N: Ah,sorry for not uploading for some time,I had school and it's so stressful and kinda scary.I'll do my best to upload this whenever I can!

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