Chapter 13

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A/N:did Y'all think I forgot about this story?Nah,plus Aoi hasn't got her spotlight in the story for long so this is probs gonna be about her,most of it actually,idk-

Aoi POV:

I heard footsteps coming toward our way.I went in frount of the little ones to protect them."It's okay Aoi,It is just our friend we were talking about!"Giraffy said to me.The Dino?I thought to myself.A green Dinosaur looking person walked towards us.
"Dino!"The children shouted in sync.
They all ran towards him and hugged him."Oh thank God you guys are alright,are any of you hurt?"Dino asked while looking at the kids.They all shook their heads as Dino hugged them.Dino gave me the death stare as he still holds onto the kids.
"Don't worry Dino,She is very kind!"Daisy said.Dino save a sigh of relief as he let go of the kids.
"I'm Aoi"I introduced myself as I took out my hand."You proberly know but I'm Dino"He smiled and shook my hand.We then heard footsteps coming towards us.The infected were coming our way."We need to get out of here"I shouted and we all ran away.Out of nowhere,A infected jumped from our right and was about to slash Pandora.I jumped in frount,resulting my arm to be cut.I kicked the infected and ran to the others.
"Aoi your hurt!" Zero shouted.I smiled to reassure him.
"I'll be okay,don't worry."I said.
We all ran inside a supermarket.I checked for my bag for the antidote but my bag was nowhere to be seen.
"Wait,where is it"I muttered.Pandy walked towards me and asked, "Is something wrong Aoi?" I shook my head."Everything is fine"I sighed.Dino came to the room with a first aid kit and wrapped bandage around my arm. "Will Aoi be okay?" Giraffy asked.Dino nodded as he finished wrapping my arm with bandage.
We then heard something crash.We looked around the market.
"Who's there?Show yourself!"I shouted.Behind the cashier registrar.Two long ears popped up.There stood a Bunny with a three children.She reminded me of someone from High school,I wonder what her name was.The children ran to one of the bunny kid.
"Richard,is that you?"Zero asked.
"Yeah it's me!"Richard replied.He hugged Zero and laughed quietly.
The person smiled as she walked in frount of the cash register."Hello there,please call me Miss Rabbit."Miss Rabbit smiled."Hello Miss rabbit"I said."It's good to see you Miss Rabbit"Dino greeted.Richard turned to the other kids and smiled wider.
"Hello Molly,Hello Gerald,Hello Delphine and hello Pandora and Peggy"Richard laughed."Richard,I told you to not call us that name"Mimi pouted."Sorry,but those names suit you guys perfectly,and no I won't stop calling you those name"Richard replied.I scratched my Arm but winced in pain,forgetting the cut was there."Aoi you should proberly leave that arm alone for some time."Dino whispered."Miss Rabbit,what are the babies name?" Daisy asked."This is Rosie and Robbie"She said as she crouched down."Aw,Your babies are so cute!"Pandora and Pandy said in sync."Oh these aren't my babies,they're my sisters"Miss Rabbit said."Wait they aren't yours?"Giraffy asked."Miss Rabbit is my Auntie,My real mother hasn't been found yet,so auntie has been taking care of me,Rosie and Robbie"Richard explained."It must be hard taking care of them all by yourself,especially when you lost your sister..."Dino sighed.Miss Rabbit laughed a little.
"It's easy,it's like taking care of multiple jobs"Miss Rabbit said.

Emrald POV:

"This is where the signal came"Pony said."Looks like we're going in"Zizzy said...
We all hid behind a building as the infected soldiers were walking around and crawling back into a hole.
"There is alot of them,how will we get out?"Missbubble asked.Foxy got up and took out his knife."Zizzy,Pony,Doggy,Bunny,Sheepy,Zompiggy,Elly and I will take care of them,it should give you all enough time to get all the equipment to find Mr.P and Akasuki ("Talid as well" God added lol-) We all nodded as we then went in separate groups.I ran with Missbubble while God went with Sushi.Y/N wanted to go alone,so we headed in diffrent directions.I soon found a blue key on a table."Missbubble look!I found a-"
CRASH! We all looked at the door to see a person holding a flamethrower with a yellow suit and a mask.
"Emrald should we run?"Missbubble asked.I nodded as we headed to the other door while screaming.

Sushi POV:

"Hippty Hoppity,WHERE IS THE BLUE KEY!?" I shouted.God hit me on the head (not hard lol)."Can you shut up?"he asked."How about I slap a no to your face"I said back.He punched me on the arm and I shouted."YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO PUNCH MEE QWQ".We then heard a door open and close."Missbubble?Emrald?What're you doing here?" I asked.
"SUSHI MOVEEEE" Emrald shouted.
I walked to the left as Emrald opened the door with the blue lock.We then heard banging on the door.
"YOU GUYS RUN"Missbubble shouted.
"What's going on?"God asked.Emrald pushed us up the stairs.Once it was cleared,Missbubble ran up the stairs.
"There was a infected chasing us."Emrald explained."WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!GET DOWN HERE NOW!"Shouted a faint voice.
"Is that Y/N?"I asked.On the fence,Y/N was looking at the side of the building."Y/N What's going on,and how did you get here?"God asked.
"There's a random person on the side of the building and won't go down" Y/N explained.I looked over to see a familiar person."Wait,Avcado?"I shouted in shock.He looked over and we both smiled."AAAAAYYY" We both shouted in sync.Missbubble and Emrald then smiled.
"AAAAYYYYY" We all shouted.
"Wait where is Talid?"Avcado asked.
We all looked at each other and shrugged.We then heard footsteps coming towards us.


I heard footsteps coming towards us.We all turned to see the flamethrower guy."RUN!" God shouted.As we all ran to the door,I turned around the see the flamethrower guy focused on Avcado and-
"You too Sushi?!"I shouted.Sushi and Avcado screamed as The guy turned on his flamethrower."THIS IS HOW WE SURVIVE"They shouted in sync again.I went downstairs as the guy was still focused on the two idiots.
(Sorry not sorry lol-)I walked downstairs and grabbed a wrench.
"This should go with the other room on the other side"I said to myself.
"It's right theREEE-"I shouted.I had accidentally fallen in one of the hole.
I rubbed my head and opened my eyes."I wonder where this will take me.."I whispered as I placed the wrench above the hole.I crawled in the hole but nothing was happening.
"This was such a waste of time.."I whispered.I still crawled until I couldn't feel the ground.I then fell down into a strange place.Where am I?I thought.I walked into a room and then gasped.

Akasuki POV:

I curled myself into a ball inside the glass,only it turned me around slowly.I then stayed upside down and stretched my arms above me.It was kinda fun and relaxing.I got back to my normal position and looked around me.I sighed and just played with the little tubes that were attached to me.I then heard a quiet gasp,I looked in frount of me to see Y/N.They ran up to me and sighed."How the flip did you get here?"They asked me.I just shrugged."Y/N,it's not safe here though,this place is being guarded by some infected person.Not only that but Iku and Dolly is here as well.They might kill you if they see you."I said.We heard footsteps getting louder.Y/N hide behind a desk,as they hid,Badgy and another person was with them."I swear I heard something here..." Badgy whispered.
The other person looked around the room and shrugged."Must've been imagining things" The other person said.After they left,Y/N came out of their hiding spot."Who were they Akasuki?"Y/N asked."They're just some people."I replied.Y/N looks around the room and walks over to a desk."Y/N What're you doing?"I asked.
They had a Hammer in their hand and they walked to my direction.
"Let's see if this works"They mumbled.They swung the hammer into the glass,making loud noises,but luckily managed to make a crack.
"It's working!Y/N Keep on going!"I said.Y/N continued to bang the hammer against the glass harder as the footsteps sound closer.Soon enough the glass broke and I was free."Thank you so much Y/N" I said as I hugged them.
"You can save that later" said a voice.We both turned to see a person with a drill.

A/N: I really am losing motivation,haven't been sleeping well since online class.Sorry if the story hasn't been good quality.
(I only get like 4-5 hours of sleep,sometimes 3 lol-)

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