Chapter 12

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I'm real tired oof help me-

Akasuki POV:

I grabbed Talids hand and ran through the gaps between the infected.My vision then started to blur and I fell down."Akasuki?"Talid called out.The soldier Swung their knife at Talid and she backed away.
White cloth then wrapped around all the infected as they were suddenly picked up."That's amazing Dolly,Good job."I looked up to see my twin sister."Iku?Is that you"I asked as I got up.She ran and hugged me really tight."Onee-san!Are you happy to see me again?"She asked.I nodded a little while she smiled even brighter."Master do you remember me?"Somebody asked.I looked up to see a person wrapped in bandages.
"Of course Dolly,I do"I smiled.Iku took my hand and she walked to a gate."Onee-San,I have something to show you!"She hopped around.She grabbed a blue keycard."I heard you were looking for Mr.P right?"Dolly asked.I nodded while the gate opened.Talid then pushed me into the dark.   "ごめん" 。 。 。

Pony POV:

I looked at Zompiggy while he drew something on a whiteboard.Apparently,the little figure he drew represents Akasuki.He started to draw another figure representing something like the infected.He continues to draw until he handed the whiteboard.

(Don't even ask about the drawing-)"Are you trying to say if Akasuki dies, she turns infected?"I asked

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(Don't even ask about the drawing-)
"Are you trying to say if Akasuki dies, she turns infected?"I asked.Zompiggy shook his head.He rubbed off the skull from the drawing."Or maybe Akasuki is infected?"I once asked him again.He nodded his head and then pointed at the bunny figure.
"Bunny is infected but now she is not Anymore?"I said.He nodded his head again and then pointed at Akasuki."Couldn't you have written what you were trying to say?"I asked him. Zompiggy stood still then took the whiteboard and started to write something."Goodness sake Zompiggy.."I sighed.He then handed me the whiteboard again.
"Akasuki..Can...turn....back the normal..?"I read out loud.He nodded his head and began writing again."But she...will soon turn...infected if..she carried on..doing that..."I muttered.Zompiggy once again nodded his head.
"Akasuki will what?"Said a voice.We turned around to see Foxy with Doggy.Zompiggy started to wipe the whiteboard as I shook my hands.
"Oh it's nothing!"I Said.I nervously laughed as Doggy walked towards us.
"What did you say about Akasuki?Is there something we don't know about?"He growled.I backed away a little while sweating."Doggy there is nothing you don't know about,everything is fine,what's wrong with you?"I asked.I then heard little beeping noises from my computer.
"What's that?"Doggy asked.I looked at the screen and turned around.
"It's a helicopter signal,and it's nearby.We should go tell the others" I said as I walked out of the room.

Akasuki POV:

"what do you mean you can't do it!We made a promise about this and you can't back away from it!"
"I'm Sorry,but it's just not working,I'm doing everything I could but the potions aren't helping her."
"Iku,it takes some time,let him continue with the potions.While he does that we have to protect that gate from them coming..."
It's kind of hard to breathe.Where am I?What potions are they talking about. What is happening to me...
I opened my eyes slowly,only to be greeted by green fluid or whatever.It was hard to breathe but that was alright.I tried to move around but I was in a glass.More importantly was that there were tubes stuck in me.
"What is with these tubes?"I asked myself while trying to get the tubes off me.Something smashed against the glass,Didn't break it but sounded hard.I turned to my left to see a person with a green saber (whatever the weapon is called lol).He looked at me then the tubes attached to my back.As I let go of the tubes he walked away."Who cares"as I pulled the tube off.I could move even more as I pressed my face against the glass.There was nobody in the place,I tried smashing my hand against the glass but it didn't break.
"There is no point in trying"said a familiar voice.I turned around to see Talid curled in a corner.
"Talid can you help me?"I asked.She only shook her head which made me mad.I kept banging against the glass.Talid stood up then banged on the other side of the glass.
"First,banging on the glass won't do anything.And Second,you might wanna put the tubes back on since it is the only thing keeping you alive in that glass."She said.I sighed as I tried to put the tubes on my back.
"As much I want to help,Your little sister is keeping us like slaves.She only respects you."Talid explained.
"She could even get us out or something,I don't know." Talid continued on.Then there was footsteps coming behind from Talid.
"There you are Talid,Iku was looking for you."Dolly said.Dolly and Talid then left me alone in the glass,Alone in the room.

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