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Emily above


I am Emily Jones (22) and I am the most stubborn person I know, with long blonde hair, green eyes and the body figure of a giraffe in others words I am tall and skinny, I always wear oversized t-shirts and skinny jeans, oh and I just found out I have cancer, but my fight is not over yet, unlike two weeks ago I now have something to live for, more specifically a 2 year old baby boy who someone left outside at my front door.

Why didn’t I have something to live for, well when I was 19, my parents and two younger siblings were on their way from Philadelphia to come and visit me at Varsity in New York City. They are running late is what I a thought, but I didn’t think much of it, maybe they stopped to eat, I sent my mom a message telling I was going to go to bed and the door is unlocked.

The next morning 3 years ago I woke to a knock at my door, thinking it was my neighbors playing duck, duck goose I didn’t think much of it, but there was another knock and I physically and mentally forced myself out of bed and dragged myself to the door. Shocked to find there were two young male officers with green eyes and blonde hair, dressed in their uniforms and their badges hanging on their belts behind my door, needless to say they were definitely twins, but I was somewhat confused as why they are standing at my door, I asked them if I could do anything for them and a look of sadness crossed their faces, the slightly taller one stepped forward shook my hand
“I am officer Tom Evans, am I speaking to miss Emily jones?” he questioned

“Yes, this is her do you mind telling me what this is about?” I questioned

“Your family was in a car accident and passed away we found your mom, dad and Sister Ellie’s bodies but unfortunately we didn’t find your brother Evans body, but we are still looking for him and won’t stop until we find him.

My heart shattered; I was screaming not caring if anyone heard me.


Hi guys my name is Abigail, this is a short story, just a disclaimer the chapters will be short.

Thank you for reading

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