Emily Jones has many things that have went wrong in her life, but just as soon as everything starts falling into place, her life takes a whole new twist what will happen.
“Just put it on and stop asking so many questions”. He says
“Are you threatening me?” I question putting the blindfold on
“Me, I would never, knowing you, you would most likely throw me with a rock” he says with a slight trail of fear coming of his voice
Knowing I most likely would, smiling, we fall into a comfortable silence
The car suddenly comes to a stop
“We’re here and no you can’t take of your blindfold?” he exclaims
I let out a long sigh and what felt like a decade of waiting I hear the passenger door and Daniel takes my hand and start leading me carefully down a path at least I think it’s a path.
After what felt like a week of walking, note the sarcasm he finally tells me to take of the blindfold. Doing as instructed I take of the blindfold and she is nowhere be seen, then I hear a tiny whisper and look down to see Daniel on one knee with a ring in a box.
“Emily, I know I haven’t known you for that long but there is one thing I know for sure and that is that I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Emily Jones mother to my son, love of my life, will you marry me?”
No way, no way, no way I can’t believe it, without thinking I say one word that I don’t regret.
“Yes” I scream before jumping into his arms and crying of happiness
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I then feel something wet get poured over me and I have no idea what just happened before my eyes snap open and see Alissa standing next to my bed with a now empty glass and Isaac in the other hand
“Alissa, Isaac what wrong, how did I get here where’s Daniel?” I almost scream
“What’s wrong is I found this little boy on your doorstep and I have know idea on how you know his name, how did you get here, well this is your house and who on this earth is Daniel?”
No, no, no it was a dream, I still have cancer, I am not getting married, Evan might still be dead and my son now stranger is only meeting me now. I know it was a dream, but I can’t help but wonder if the dream might become reality, I sure hope so.