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-edited 29/1/23

My head was foggy, I could just about recall what the actual fuck happened to me however long ago it was now. I had no idea how long I'd been lying in this bed, days? Hours? Weeks even? I doubt it had been that long. I wanted so badly to open my eyes and take in the room around me, I could tell from the smell of strong antibac that I was in a hospital bed, a faint beeping repeating itself in the background. I could hear the shuffles of feet and small breaths coming from another body in the room. Curiosity got the better of me and I opened my eyes slowly to get a peek at who was by my side.

"Cami? Are you awake?"

"Mmmh" I squeezed the noise out, my throat croaky and dry from not talking for what felt like years. I heard a sigh of relief fall from the mouth of the other person in the room. "Alex?" I squeaked, the words barley intelligible.

"No sorry, Brad" the voice replied, his tone was smooth and warm. His ring clad fingers wrapping around mind gently and slowly as he spoke.

"What day is it?" I asked, my voice a bit stronger this time.

"Monday morning, they kept you overnight to run a few tests, make sure their wasn't more underlying damage." He smiled softly, a certain pain in his eyes as if it was hurting him seeing me like this.

"Sorry you had to stay" I whispered, small pools forming in my eyes as the accident played more vividly in my head.

"I wanted too, nobody made me." A small silenced filled the room. "And don't apologise, you've done nothing wrong. Well apart from going on your phone whilst driving, that was pretty stupid," He joked, i stifled a laugh. "Its me who should be apologising. I'm so sorry for what I did" he squeezed my palm gently, I was about to question what he was on about when I remembered the phone call with Tess, 'i slept with brad' the words replayed over and over in my head and it only made the pools in my eyes fill more. Wet droplets slithering down my face. I felt Brad shift, his grip in my hand loosening,clearly uncomfortable talking about it. He let go of my hand completely and leant back in his chair, awkwardly moving about until he got comfortable.

I turned my head to look at Brad, a sad glimmer coating his eyes, "You can stay."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Hey! Its Cami" I said as I swiped answer on my flashing phone screen.

"Cami? Really? I had no idea I was dialling your number," A soft laugh crackled down the phone, "It's Brad, surely my name popped up when I called?" He laughed again, but this time with a hint of awkwardness, as if he was asking me a serious question.

"Oh sorry Brad I don't have your number saved" I sassed back at him down the phone.

"Oh shut it, I just wanted to see how you were getting on." The e sweet tone of his voice filling my ears with joy. It'd been 3 days since I was discharged from the hospital and 4 since the accident. I hadn't spoke to Alex much but I'd obviously told him all about the situation, he didn't really seem too bothered though. Id smashed my car to bits and cut my legs into slices of what felt like fucking meat with the shattered glass that landed on me. and he didn't seem phased, but Brad did, he was checking up on me every day, bringing me takeaways of my choice every night and treating me like an absolute queen. I craved his attention more than I cared to admit, and honestly I didn't want to be apart from him at any point. He made me feel so warm and fuzzy on the inside, and his embrace and presence just made me feel safe and secure, as if I could fight the world. Every time he came round he tried to sneak me some money to help me fix my car. That was my stupid mistake for telling him that I was struggling to pay the charges and couldn't afford a new car. The police let me off lightly, I have no idea why, but I wasn't going to question it further. Apparently their was a fault with the car that the garage failed to notice on my last M.O.T, so they put the accident down to that...mostly. I kept telling Brad I didn't want any money from him because I wasn't giving anything to him in return, but he refused to listen and still snuck some notes into my purse, coins into my bloody sock draw or transferred me a stupid amount whenever he could.

Sugar Daddy - Brad SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now