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"Do you wanna talk about it?" Tristan asked as we sat down on the beach wall, bubblegum ice cream threatening to dribble down our hands. Since I'd met up with him I'd avoided the subject of Tess all together, I knew I had to talk about it because bottling it all up was the complete wrong thing to do, but I was enjoying my time with Tris too much,

"Suppose I have too really" I chuckled, "Long story short my 'best friend' is toxic as fuck"

"I gathered that" his sniggered,

"A while ago she ditched me at a concert and I've never felt more vulnerable in my life, and now she's sleeping with my ex, and we didn't exactly leave on the most normal terms so my heads just a bit everywhere at the moment" I admitted,

"I understand" he said, putting one arm around me for comfort,

"You do?" I questioned,

"Yeah, my ex Amelia was the same, she was like Tess but she wasn't my friend she was my girlfriend. She was always leaving me for the 'girls' and everything was on her terms, you can't keep hanging onto people like that, you need to get rid of her" I sighed, knowing he was right,

"I've just got so much built up anger towards her I'd probably end up knocking her out or something"

"I think I've got something for you that you'll enjoy" Tris told me, finishing the last of his ice cream off and signalling for me to follow him wherever he was

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆. ───

"Is this where you take all your victims to kill them?" I joked as I followed Tristan down to the basement of his house, he looked at me and smirked, tapping the side of his nose to tell me to mind my own business. We walked through his surprisingly organised underground room and went through one final door before I was face to face with a brightly lit room and a bright yellow wall, red targets painted on them.

"Woah" I said in awe,

"I know right. Believe it or not I have really bad anger issues and instead of taking it out on people me and my dad made this room, any old things we don't need we throw at the targets, I thought you might wanna pretend it's Tessa"

"Hell fucking yeah I do" he handed me a pair of plastic glasses and gloves for me to put on, along with a gigantic cardboard box full of glass trinkets and old pieces of china,


"As I'll ever be" I replied, he pressed play on his phone, music began to blare out of the speakers and I threw the first glass object, watching it obliterate into hundreds of tint pieces and imagining it was Tessa filled me with a strange kind of joy,

"Take that you bitch!" I screamed as I threw a brown rabbit at the wall next to Tris' black cow, both of them colliding and making even more of a mess.

We carried on singing, screaming and throwing things against the wall until the basement was virtually emptied of valuables that were no longer needed.

"God we must've been in there for ages" I said as we left his house and we're greeted by stars illuminating the sky,

"Must've" he said, "Want me to walk you home?"

"Please" I smiled, linking my arm around his and walking side by side, in a comfortable silence, back home.

"Thankyou for today Tris" I said as we arrived at my front door,

"Anything to keep you happy" he winked. I took his whole face in at that moment, adoring how beautiful this man actually was, a sudden urge of adrenaline burst through me and I pushed myself up on my feet and connected our lips, I thought he would hesitate and pull away but instead he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in. His lips were moist and warm and he felt so comforting. I pulled away and rested my forehead against his,

"Night Tris"

"Night cami" he replied before I turned around and unlocked my front door, entering the familiar home and running straight upstairs, falling asleep with nothing but good thoughts in my mind.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"What the fuck is all that racket?!" I mumbled as something buzzed and buzzed constantly on my table, keeping me from sleeping. I unwrapped my self from my covers and saw that my phone was vibrating like mad on the bedside table, to the point it was almost on the floor. I turned it over so I could see the screen and Brads caller ID lit up my face. He was the last person I wanted to talk to right now. I swiped his call and turned my phone back off, re-wrapping myself and going back to sleep. I wasn't gonna let Brad ruin everything for me right now.

Brads POV
"Fucksake!" I shouted, this was the 9th time Cami hadn't answered the phone and this time she'd actually got the call. Tessa came round to my house the other day drunk and disorderly, confessing she'd told Cami about us,

"She knows" Tessa slurred,

"About what?"


"Their is no 'us' stop fucking feeding her lies!"

"Cmon Brad you know I'm better than Cami" she slurred, leaning forwards in attempt to kiss me, I pushed her away, almost over. She was the last person I wanted to see right now but I couldn't just let her roam the streets alone in this much of a state. I walked her to my car and sat her in it, dropping her off at her house which wasn't far from Camis.

"Night boo" she said before unlocking her door and tumbling into her apartment.

I had to see Cami, to explain to her that all of the calls and texts, that the relationship I had with Tessa, none of it was real. I still had tracking on her phone from when we were nothing more than sex for money, so I took advantage of that and used it to find her.

"I'm on my way" I mumbled, starting the car up and typing her address in.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Hi hiii. Sorry it's been so long! I'll update tonight if not tomorrow but this is just a little filler! Hope your all well✌️Is anybody going to nhc Birmingham or 5SOS Cardiff? If you are hmu I need friends to go with :) x

Sugar Daddy - Brad SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now