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-edited 27/3/23

"Thankyou" I smiled as I squeezed out of the crowded shop, heaps of clothes stuffed into small carrier bags, one hanging off each finger. Since I'd started sleeping with Brad again the amount of money I had was fucking unreal. After spending what was equivalent to what I'd earn in a month at my old job, I decided I'd spent enough.

I barley managed to shove the bags in the boot of the car, and struggled to close the door. With a sigh of almost defeat, I walked around to the front of the car and slid into the drivers side, clipping my seatbelt in.  I turned my head over my shoulder and watched myself reverse out of my parking spot, driving towards the ticket machine at the exit of the building. As I reached out of my window to scan the ticket on the red light, a face popped up in my wing mirror. I turned around, flustered with the whole situation.

"What the fuck!" I screamed, I recognised the face from the encounter I had at the shop the other day, my heart skipped a beat as I realised that I didn't have Brad to help me this time. I had to face this weirdo by myself. I waited for him to talk, to say something but instead he began charging towards the car, I tried to scan my ticket but he bloody thing wasn't scanning, panic was building inside of me as he got closer and closer until I realised he was about to try and get into the car. I tried to push the button to lock the car but my hands were all sweaty, I missed the button and the freak from the ships grabbed the handle, getting into the backseat of my car. He just sat there and stared at me through the rear view mirror, "What the fuck do you want?" I questioned, anger bubbling up inside of me.

"You" he replied, his voice was deep, and caused the hairs on my arm to raise.

I scoffed, "No, absolutely not," I deadpanned, "Find somebody else and get out my car" I tried to sound intimidating and as if I wasn't about to literally shit my pants. He eyed me up and down, grimacing as he spoke,

"Where did you get all that shopping from hm? Brad? Your sugar daddy?" He laughed, "You little slut." He spat the word at me, making water begin to pool in the bottom of my eyes. No way was I about to cry infront of this creepy fucking stranger.

"What's it got to do with you?" I scoffed, this guy was really staring to creep me out and I could feel myself start to shake, a combination of fear, anger and upset.

"What's it got to do with me?" He repeated, "Its got everything to do with me because I know your dating Alex, and I know Alex doesn't know that your having sex with Brad for money. So what your gonna do is listen to everything I say, and do everything I do, otherwise I'll tell Alex, and we don't want that now do we?" He'd edged forward in his seat, his head basically right next to mine, his words a whisper in my ear.

"Seriously Zack can you just leave me alone, I'll tell Alex, I promise" I couldn't let Alex hear about Brad from anybody else but me, and this freak had made me realise I had to be forward with him, i couldn't keep this from him anymore.

"I'm still not leaving" he hissed.

"Well what do you want! What can I give you to just get you to go away!" I was begging at this point, just desperate for him to leave me alone and stay out of whatever situation I'd built for myself.

"Let's just say I know how much Brads been paying you, and I know you've still got a fair chunk left," He extended his lanky finger and pointed to the pile of notes sticking out of my purse, I silently cursed myself for being so vulnerable. I thought of a way to get out of my car, to ditch him at the side of the road or something, I had to think harder, and I had to think fast.

"Okay," I caved in, "But you have to come sit in the front, count out how much you want for yourself," I made some lame excuse to get him to leave the car,

Sugar Daddy - Brad SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now