Chapter 16- I love you

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When Saki closed the door behind her she wasn't even looking in her father's direction, she was looking at the door.

"Hello Saki." She tensed as he said her name. For some reason she was still scared and shaking. Saki sighed, turned around and glared at him.

"Why do you say that like we haven't seen each other in 30 years? It's been like 5 months." She said the sentence with no fear at all, as soon as she said it she was no longer shaking. Saki sat down in the chair and leaned her elbows on the table, that was in front of the glass.

"Miss me?" He asked smiling. Saki shook her head, he frowned.

"Really? Or are you just saying that because you're disappointed in me for not beating All Might?" Saki sighed again.

"I'm disappointed in you for fighting him AT ALL! And I'm proud of HIM for beating YOU!" They were silent for abit till All for One finally said something.

"So what's been going on in your life so far? Have you finally decided to join the league yet? Like your sister, Saku?" She made a weird face at him.

"No way! I did join U. A though! Met my childhood friends that you took me away from when I was six." He smiled again.

"Ahh...what are their names again?" Saki hesitated for a bit then said.

"I'm not sure I wanna tell you that...and I never told them to you in the first place." He laughed, it made Saki tense, but only because she hated it when he laughed that way.

"What am I gonna do? Kill them? Look at me!" Saki looked at him in where his eyes should have been, she snorted a bit then covered her mouth.

"You could kill them when you get out of here." He shook his head.

"That would make you unhappy." Saki looked him with a gaping mouth.

"Did you just care about my happiness for the first time in forever?" Saki then started to sing that Frozen song.

"For the first time in forever, they'll be music there'll be lo-." All for One cut her off by saying.

"Please stop...I hate music and that movie." Saki smiled a bit then covered her mouth and acted nauseated.

"You okay?" He asked, not sounding very concerned. Saki nodded.


"So what are their names?" Saki hesitated again and said.

"Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Midoriya. I think you've already heard of one of them, and if you say anything I'll kill you with the snap of my fingers." Saki said smiling happily.

"I'm Immortal Sagara." Saki's face went a bright red when he said that.

"Please don't call me that in public." He laughed at her as she put her head, into her arms, on the table. 

"And I know both of them Sagara." Saki groaned as she he called her that nickname again. 

"I fucking doubt that." Saki said sternly.

"Katsuki is the one we kidnapped." Saki froze.

"First off...DON'T call him that. Second off...what the hell are you talking about?! Was it your idea?! If so I'm gonna kill you when you get out of here...which is hopefully never! When the fuck did it even happen?!" He laughed again. To be honest, Saki actually kind of liked his laugh, it relaxed her. 

"Would you be yelling at me we were talking about Izuku Midoriya?" He asked. Saki scoffed.

"Of course I would! He's my childhood friend! Maybe...I wouldn't be cussing as much." All for One frowned at her.

"What is your relationship with Bakugo?" Saki raised an eyebrow at him.

"Friend...why?" All for One shook his head.

"Your a horrible liar...are you dating him?" Saki's face turned a bright red.

"Nooooooooooo." She said while shaking her head, she was looking at the table. "Ooh! Ooh! I got another joke! I'm not making face contact with you! Ba dum ch!" He sighed, and opened his mouth to say something, then he closed it. "Did you like it?" Saki said smiling brightly.

"A little offensive...other than that it was...okay." Saki clapped her hands. "Now...answer the question without lieing. Are you dating Bakugo?" Saki laughed nervously then said.

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Okay...the next time you come here bring him with you, so I can speak to him." Saki smiled and said.

"Promise me you won't kill him."  He crossed his fingers and said.

"I promise." Saki sighed.

"Your clearly crossing your fingers dad...I love you, but stop being stupid." All for One motioned his head towards the cameras for a sign to turn them off. Saki shook her head. "Promise!" All for One sighed.

"I promise..." His fingers were no longer crossed.

"Good!" Saki started. "Now what did you need to say that was so embarrassing you tried to get me to disable the cameras?" He shook his head.

"Nothing..." They sat in silence for a bit till All for One mumbled something under his breath.

"What was that? I think I heard yourself a rip off Darth Vader. Ohhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Someone rando came over the speaker in the room and said.

"Wrap it up..." Saki looked back to her father he was frowning.

"What's wrong you big cry baby? Didn't you miss that nickname?" He chuckled.

"So much." Saki smiled at him.

"I missed calling you it." He looked up to her and mouthed. 'I love you.' Saki laughed.

"I love you too, you big scaredy cat!" He glared at her for a warning to shut up, they talked a little more about how Tenko and Saku were doing, and about a new song Saki had been writing for a month now. When she finally had to leave. When she left the room All Might was already outside the door waiting for her. 

"At first I didn't want to even go here...and now I don't want to leave." All Might laughed.

"I was unaware anyone loved him...and he loved anyone." Saki punched him in the arm.

I just deleted half of this chapter cause it was cringe

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