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Dear November,

In Band today the potential drum majors conducted two songs each. One was quiet but on beat, one totally bombed it, one was on time but was making really weird faces at the trumpets, and one I didn't like as a person. So yeah, tough decision, I know. And then I went home and watched Parks for like three hours, procrastinated, practiced and kind of turned into a nervous wreck, and now I'm writing this. It's like a cycle. Because I'm rehearsing with this huge-as.s band on Sunday for a concert in two weeks, and there's a song that I feel like I'm getting lost in, and I can't tell if this guy likes me or if he's just flirty, and I know that without a miracle burst of productivity that I won't finish my novel's rough draft by the end of this month. 

Sometimes I feel like my life is a melodramatic train wreck and I'm carrying everyone who has some misplaced trust in me off the rails. You can quote me on that. Yet somehow, I manage to steer back on path at the last second. I lose momentum, though. Lost ideas. Faded stories, wasted opportunity. It's never as exciting. 

Listen, I'm sorry if this is all just vaguely poetic rambling to you. Maybe that's what it is. But to me, it's writing, it's the shape I take in words, it's some exaggerated encapsulation of how my day went. When I talked about school keeping me grounded, I didn't mention it's these letters, too. 

Sincerely, Esther

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