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Dear November, 

It's Thanksgiving Break, and so I had nothing to do. I binged Parks and Rec and didn't even attempt to work on my story and read about lesbian writers and then, barely ten minutes ago, went on Tumblr to see the Ferguson news. 

Don't get me wrong, I am for this. I find it completely ridiculous and damning and racist that a black boy is shot and killed because of an alleged petty theft. And still, that cop is free, and America is being scorned by, of all countries, North Korea. That's how bad it is; a place with concentration camps is looking down to us. 

Now, can you see? Can you see how far it's gone?

But one of the things that bothers me, about Tumblr and other media, and even about myself, is that people only care when something new happens. All of a sudden, blogs are posting loads of Ferguson news. It's just--people go about their everyday lives, posting cat videos and fanart and DIYS, they /forget/ about it, and are only reminded when it pops up again on their dash. Why can't we care past the time we turn off our laptops for the day, why doesn't it stick? Passion is not a fleeting trend, and yet, here we are, mingling revolution with repetition. I am just so angry, about Darren Wilson walking free and about why we are letting it happen and why, why does all of this come off as just another civil rights movement? It's in this country that we can use the phrase 'just another civil rights movement' as readily as 'did you hear about Ferguson?'. 

I just want people, I just want to be steadily, consistently active about things like this. No. Don't let it fade. It's not even close to being over. 

November, are you as frustrated as I am?


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