20: New Year's Eve

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Sabrina got out of the shower and looked in the mirror, half expecting to have a different colour of hair. But her hair was still its usual dirty blonde. She dried off and headed into her room to get dressed. She was getting ready for Logan's annual New Year's Eve party where the whole school is invited, although most people didn't go because they were partying with family or having their own parties.
The blonde put on a simple wine red top, a pair of skinny jeans, with a black jacket. She slipped into a pair of black flats and stuffed her phone into her black purse as she rushed into the hallway and down the stairs. Sabrina said goodbye to everyone as she rushed out the door. She was supposed to be there half an hour early, and she was almost late.

When Sabrina arrived at his house, Logan's parents were just on their way out. They waved to her as they passed and Logan invited her into his house. His older brother, who was quite attractive to Sabrina, was sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone. He looked up and nodded at her.
"Hey Brina."
"H-hey Josh."
Shortly after, more people arrived. Pretty soon, there were fifty people at the party. It was mostly just a hangout, but when someone turned the lights off and turned the music on, that's when it turned into a party you'd see in a movie, minus the alcohol. Josh was drinking, but that's because he was 25 and had a problem.
At 11:30, someone walked into the house and sat down next to Sabrina.
"Hey Brin," they said. Sabrina turned her head and saw Skylar sitting next to her.
"Hi Skylar," she said, turning her body to face them. "What's up?"
The two of them talked for a while until the countdown started. Everyone rushed into the living room in front of the TV.
"3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR!"
Ryan kissed Logan on the cheek and Logan returned the favour. Sabrina laughed with them and then noticed two people making out in a corner. She couldn't make their faces out at first, but she quickly realized that it was Serenity and Puck's best friend Chad. And then Sabrina's heart seemed to stop.
She was filled with rage and the urge to kill both of them on the spot. She felt so bad for Puck. He trusted them, and they...she didn't even want to think about it.
They're gonna regret that when they're sober, Sabrina thought. But then she remembered. They are sober...
Sabrina took a picture of the two lying scumbags hooking up in the corner and returned to Skylar, who had just done the same. "The school gossip's gonna love this," they said.

The school gossip was an Instagram account that posted embarrassing pictures or screenshots of text messages from students. Many relationships and friendships ended because of it. Nobody knew who it was, but they expected that it was one person passing the account onto someone else when they graduated, because the account had been going since 2012.
"I just can't believe..." Sabrina trailed off. A lump formed in her throat, and she couldn't swallow it. A look of realization flashed across Skylar's face.
"Right, you are Robin are..." they paused. "Close?"
Sabrina laughed dryly. "I guess that's how you'd put it." Memories of her and Puck played in her mind. That time on Mount Taurus, the kiss, when they were handcuffed together, Morgan and Mr. Seven's wedding, when he came out to her, when she hugged him and he tried not to cry into her shoulder. She blushed and exhaled a little.
"I just can't believe they'd do that to him," she whispered. Skylar bit their lip nervously and didn't reply.
"Let's just...talk about something else."
After about ten minutes, Serenity and Chad went their seperate ways. They went into their friend groups and started chatting. Sabrina clenched her fists and stood up, storming over to Serenity.
"Oh, hello, Sabrina." Serenity said, not seeming to notice the rage in the blonde's eyes. She didn't even seem nervous, which made Sabrina even angrier.
"Can I talk to you after the party? Outside? Alone." Sabrina's tone implyed that she intended to murder Serenity, and she was considering it. Serenity smiled and nodded.
"Of course," she replied softly. Sabrina gave her a fake smile and stormed into the kitchen, where Josh had a glass of wine in his hand. She stormed passed him, upstairs, and into the bathroom where she proceeded to cry for five minutes.
Sabrina picked herself up off of the floor and wiped the running mascara from her face. She re-did her make-up, fixed her hair, and then returned downstairs. Most people had cleared out, except for Serenity, Ryan, and two of Serenity's friends. The two friends left, leaving Serenity, Sabrina, and the boys.

Serenity looked at Sabrina, her expression said well, now what? Sabrina nodded towards the front door and Serenity followed her outside.
They walked into an alley between the two houses. Serenity shivered from the cold and shifted uncomfortably on her feet. Sabrina pulled her phone out from her purse and showed Serenity the photo she took.
"Start talking and nobody gets hurt," she said harshly, her breath visible in the cold night air. Serenity's eyes widened and she gasped.
"How'd you get that photo?!" she demanded.
"You two were hooking up in the corner in the middle of a party, it really wasn't that difficult." Sabrina replied. Serenity's face was as red and a tomato and steam was coming out of her ears. She grabbed Sabrina's phone and deleted the picture from her gallery.
"Ha," she smirked, showing Sabrina what she had done.
Sabrina was filled with an overwhelming rage. She had never been so angry at someone in her life, and it was almost too much anger for one person to contain.
Then Sabrina punched Serenity in the face. Her head bounced off the brick wall and she fell to the ground, splattering blood on the snow. Her eyes went glassy and she didn't move.
Panic rushed through Sabrina's veins and she kneeled down in front of Serenity. She checked for a pulse, but there wasn't one. Sabrina attempted CPR with her good arm, but it was useless. Serenity was dead. Sabrina wanted to scream, but nothing came out.
What do I do, what do I do, what do I do, WHAT DO I DO?! was the only thing rushing through Sabrina's mind. But then she saw it. Her watch. The Time Traveler's Watch. A wave of relief washed over her and she turned the dial.
"Reverse my mistakes; 1 hour," she whispered.
Sabrina's body felt like it was being ripped into miniscule pieces, but she didn't let go of the dial. She bit her lip and squeezed her eyes shut, as if that would help the uncomfortable feeling go away. It didn't. A blinding light flashed and Sabrina opened her eyes.
"3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR!"
Sabrina looked around and saw everything happening the exact way it did an hour ago. She saw Serenity pull Chad in for a kiss and the two of them start making out. She saw Skylar take a photo of them and make the same comment they had made before. Sabrina relaxed her muscles and exhaled.
I guess Puck will have to find out another way...
When Sabrina got home that morning, she slept until noon. She got dressed in a simple pair of skin tight leggins and a loose low cut T-shirt. Sabrina walked downstairs and saw Puck sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone. His eyes widened in shock and they flickered with rage.
Sabrina paused at the bottom step before deciding that she should comfort him. She walked around to the arm rest and looked over his shoulder. The school gossip account posted the picture that Skylar had sent them.
"Oh, Puck," she breathed. Puck turned around and saw her standing there. "I'm so sorry you had to find out this way."
"You knew?" Puck asked. His eyes and words were full of rage and Sabrina took a step back.
"I would've told you sooner, but when I got home you were asleep and I didn't know what to do and-"
Puck interrupted her with walking over and wrapping her in a tight hug. "Thank you for not telling me. I probably would've lashed out in anger and hurt you," he said. Sabrina relaxed her shoulders and hugged him back. They stood there in the embrace for a few moments until Puck pulled away.
"I..." he choked out. "I'm over it. I don't care anymore."
Sabrina cupped her hand on the side of his face and smiled softly. "It's okay, Puck, you can be upset."
"That's the thing. I'm...not," he said. "It's weird, but I think I was kinda falling out of love with her."
Sabrina froze. "Love..."
"Well, not love. I worded that wrong. I guess I...stopped liking her that way," he corrected himself. "But this couldn't have been a one time thing."
Sabrina gapsed. "You think she's been cheating on you for a while?" she was shocked. Serenity was so nice and kind and gentle, cheating seemed like something impossible for someone like her to even do. Puck looked down at Sabrina and they locked eyes.
"You know that's exactly what I'm thinking."

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