Chapter 5

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Scooby gang!:
Amber: hey giys!
Amber: whoops *guys* lol

Brooke: Hey lol what's up?

Amber: Not much, oh hey Em! I see your profile on the chat haha

Emily: lol hey guys! So did you find anything out before the cops came?

Brooke: no :(( but we're definitely going again...and I think I know just the people to bring.


Emily: what?

Brooke: Well I'm obviously going to bring you two, plus Rayen, Cassie and Annie. Also, do any of you know Calypso? She's kinda known around school for her detective skills haha.

Amber: woah wait you're friends with Caly???

Emily: Omg Wait no wayyy!! I heard that she solved the west side Murder with her dad the detective!

Brooke: haha yah she kinda did. Anyways, I think we could use her help right?

Rayen: Hey guys, sorry I'm late! Omg Caly?! You could get her involved?!?!!!!!

Brooke: idk why y'all are obsessing over Calypso but yah...

Emily: oh, i gtg. My phone's at 1% byeeeeee

Amber: uh- byeee

Rayen: peace ✌🏻

Brooke: By Em!
Later that day
"I'm serious my mom is gonna kill me" Emily whispered from the top window.

"Just climb down the tree, we need to get Calypso and Rayen."  Amber groaned, hands on her hips.

"Ok ok gosh" Emily hesitated climbing down the tall oak tree.

"Em.." I impatiently speak.

"I'm trying! So where are Annie and Cass?" She questions. "They couldn't make it, something about parents and family stuff."

"Oh oof that sucks." Emily lemented. After the round of questions, we immediately started off to Calypso's huge, Roman-like house. "The house is this way." I point to a steep hill, trees lining each side of the road. We run up the huge hill and finally make it to the top.

"Holy crap, I can't believe that hill is so steep!" Amber heaved, trying to catch her breath.

"There" I point to a dinosaur sized house and we start sprinting towards it.

"That house is so big! How can a detective, in OUR town, own a house this huge!" I squeak out of breath.

"Her mom is an attorney." Emily boomed.

I freakishly stare at Emily while amber yells- "How do you- what? Why do you know that!"

"...that's not the point..." Emily quickly tosses the subject to the side as we run to the back of the yard. I go to pick up a pebble but an arm grabs mine.

"Don't throw another pebble." Amber barked, rolling her eyes.

"Well what do you want me to do! I can't just walk up and ring the doorbell!"

"I don't know! Anything but a pebble!" I cross my arms and viciously tap my foot. "If you break that window, i mean look at this house!"

Emily's gaze moves to the now open window above Amber and I. "Guys!"
We continue talking, ignorant to her hollers. "Guys! The window!" Emily shouts.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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