''what the fuck is he doing her Veah??'' i looked at Tay dead in his eyes. She looked at me and stood up,'' you two should go talk...'' she said. Tay got up from the couch and went upstairs i rolled my eyes and followed him. we went to my old bedroom and closed the door. i made sure to leave it unlocked. '' Ky im so fucking sorry. I never meant t hurt you.. i just didn't want you to leave me so i-'' i looked at him and crossed my arms. '' so you what'' he took a step closer, '' i dont know... im sorry please forgive me.'' i almost had a tear come to my eye but i played it off. '' your apology almost brought a tear to my eye... but it didn't. i done with you right now. i dont even wanna talk to you but here i am. you come to my best friend because your hurting knowing she would make me come over here? yeah sorry i see. '' he looked as though he was getting mad but why should i care. '' bitch you just don't know when enough attitude is enough huh.'' he then grabbed me by my neck and started choking me. '' dont ever think that you will leave my house and then not respond to me at all. i will always find you i dont care what you do you will always come back. you need me to live.'' his grip got tighter n i couldn't breathe. '' dont even think about screaming or so help me i wi-'' i fell to the floor coughing and so did he. Neveah had hit him on the head with what seemed to be a stool, i got up and hugged neveah, '' bitch you saved my life'' she laughed and got serious really quick.'' his head..'' it was bleeding.
SHIT! we quickly fell to the ground trying to see if he had a pulse but there was nothing. he was... dead.. ''o my god..Neveah you killed him..'' i said she called Chris and he ran up the stairs when he had saw he didn't even panic. ''okay chill im gonna um.. wrap him the carpet and take him some where to dispose of the body you guys dont worry about it.. go to his house and get your things with neveah ill take care of this.'' Chris said it like hes done this before but me and neveah did as we were told. i grabbed Tays keys and i drove his care so the neighbors wouldn't think nothing of it.
me and her quickly got my things and put it in my car. We tried going as fast as we could when Veahs phone started ringing we both jumped luckily it was only Chris. He had been running the the forest trying to find a good spot. he would put him in the spot and cover him u. he eve had a small tree that he planted on top of him so nothing would seem wrong with the area.
about 3 hours went by and we were all in Neveahs house, '' we will never speak of this again. we dont talk to anyone who knows him.'' we all shook our heads yes. and with that we had to act like nothing was wrong. For some reason i had a gut feeling that he wasn't truly dead or that that wasn't him. So i went through the phone. No password?? no background?? i went through the messages.. This wasn't his phone... i had thought back to what he was wearing before he left and it wasn't what he was wearing when he came home..
''Guys..'' i yelled running into the living room. '' what'' they said looking confused. '' that wasn't... Tay'veon'' everyone went quiet and looked at me..

His Son
Fantasy19 year old Ky'era falls for 21 year old Tay'veon a son of two crazy gang members but he calms to not be apart of it. crazy secrets unfold and his "crazy'' side comes out due to smart mouth Ky'era