Part 9: Beat

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TW: it looks as thought i feel like i should put this for the sensitive people. theirs some brutal actions and in a part its looks like rape dont read if your sensitive tho bye.

I finally worked up the strength to crawl to my phone. When i got it i called tay'veons mom, luckily she answered, i told her what happen and she said she ways on her way. About 25 minutes pasted and she unlocked the door, when she saw me on the floor we didn't talk, she just put me on the couch and wrapped my bloody knees in bandages. When she was done she gave me some aspirin and then she sat by me. i laid my head on her shoulder and she rubbed my arm. I almost fell asleep and right before i could i heard the door slam and lock. '' Tay'veon King Montrell'' i heard his mom yell. i jumped up out of my sleep. '' Bitch you called my mom'' he yelled looking at me, i''i-'' his mom interrupted me, '' she sure fucking did. what the actual fuck is wrong with you? strung out on drugs boy are you crazy? you could've fucking killed her! you are just like your father i cannot fucking stand you! get your ass together before i get it together for you. keep on and your knees will be the next to bleed. ooh i cant stand you. who raised you'' she stormed out of the door and slammed it behind her. Tay'veon looked as if he had just seen a ghost. his mom was about kill him but he's lucky she didn't. 

I laid my head on the couch pillow and tay slammed our room door. I had fallen asleep for a good hour and a half. when i woke up i saw Tay'veon closing the blinds and locking the door.''Oh good the bitch is up'' i heard him say he came and sat by me being careful of my legs. '' how  are you feeling'' he asked me. i rolled my eyes and mocked him, '' how am i feeling? get away from me.'' i looked away from him. '' oh suck it up i don't like being this way but damn cut me some slack okay. i was on hard drugs its not completely my fault.''  he said looking me dead in my eyes. '' yeah okay can you leave me the fuck alone your giving me a headache'' he looked at me '' excuse me?'' i hate him if my knees weren't broken id leave. '' nigga did i fucking studder'' he got up and clenched his fist.'' who are you talking to'' he looked at me. '' nigga im talking to you.'' he squatted down to be about my height, '' bitch if you do-'' i slapped the actual fuck outta him and i didn't regret a second out of it. he started laughing and the he grabbed me by my arm and walked me to the wall in the living room. '' oh your gonna wish you aint do that.'' he grabbed my neck and put me against the wall. i choked back my tears, '' get off of me'' i really wish my knees weren't bruised or i would've used my legs up to my advantage. '' get of of you?'' he put his other hand on my pants while still holding my neck. '' yeah right.'' he pulled my pants and my panties off, and he put his hand right on my pussy,'' awe shes already wet.'' i looked at him and kept the expressions off my face. he started rubbing my pussy and by the way he was looking at me i knew he wanted to hear me but i kept quiet. he put a finger in '' you gonna stay quiet or you gonna let me hear what i wanna hear.''

 i rolled my eyes and looked at him with no type of look on my face. '' okay then'' he added another finger, '' you need anger management'' i said to him choking my tears away. '' oh we talking huh.'' he added a third finger, '' i will add a fourth if you dont say something.'' and i kept quiet. he he tightened his grip and led me to the bed. i tried to move but he grabbed something i had been trying to open my eyes and the i saw it. Rope?? is he crazy? he tied up my hands and spread my legs open. '' so you wanna keep playing with me.'' he started taking his clothes off and then he got on top of me and whispered into my ear, '' were going to have sex and then your going to figure out how to walk and your going to cook me food.'' i looked at him, '' stop.'' he looked at me as he was putting the tip in, '' No stop'' i yelled and shook my heard. my arms were tied i couldn't get away. Was he really about to do this to me??? he grabbed my leg and made me stay still, '' shut the fuck up'' i was still trying to get away, '' stop'' he started slowly thrusting into me '' shut up and take this dick'' i couldn't lie it did feel good but i didn't want this to happen. i relaxed and he started going faster, '' Tay please stop i dont want to right now.'' he put his hand on my throat and stated to choke me '' calm down i know you want this so shut up'' he looked dead into my eyes and started going faster. i rolled my eyes and immediately knew that i was going to regret this. 

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