Part 12: Dead or Alive

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We all looked at each other. '' wait what do you mean thats not his phone are you sure thats not hi-'' the door opened. '' well look who it is the three idiots who killed someone that wasn't me how yall feel knowing that you killed an innocent man? i hope yall feel great, i sure do.'' we where all on the verge of passing out i didn't know what to do. '' don't look at e like yall seen a ghost. and no i wont tell you who you killed. and yes it costed thousands to get him t do this and yes thats also was a random stranger  i found on the street.'' everyone stayed quiet except me.

'' Wait so your not in the ground. well okay i guess... that's... fun...''  i laughed, '' and o think i was gonna live here again..'' he looked at me and laughed, '' yep get you shit were going back home. '' i looked at him and i didn't know what to say. '' great ill grab your bags and life can go back to how it was. '' he ran upstairs and came back down with the bags we were all trying to figure out what happened and why we let this happened. How did we not know that this happened. Why did he do this was he trying to make sure we didn't kill him. He walked the bags to the car i sighed and left. i got into the car and he got in to. '' i missed you baby'' he said to me and he kissed my cheek. on the other side? I had a tear roll down my face because the guy i wanted dead was alive and i was going home with him. 

when we arrived at his house he got out the car and grabbed my bags, '' unlock the door and go shower.'' he said i had no words so i did as i was told. when i got in the shower i started crying. About 5 minutes of being in there and crying Tay came inside. '' why are you crying?'' he asked me . i didn't say anything i just kept crying. he lifted my chin and kissed me. '' did you miss me?'' he asked i just nodded yes. i truly didn't but i had to get hi to believe me somehow. He pinned me up against the shower wall, '' i miss you too Ky. now we can o back to normal.'' i looked down, he kissed me again and then he put the tip in and started thrusting in and out like it was our first time. i moaned and he smirked and he kept going. why can i have the sex and not the person.  when we came wee washed up and then we got out. 

when we went to bed he fell asleep first and i stayed up. i was texting Neveah and we were coming up with a plan. one to get him away for good all we needed was his baby mommas help. 

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