Part 1: Ky'era and Tay'veon

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Ky'era's Pov

 ''19th birthday bitch!!'' i heard my best friend yelling into my ear as i was putting my eyelashes on. '' Yeah yeah shut up your so damn annoying. i just wanna get today over with okay its not that big a deal chill''. I hate my birthdays its the same every year, party with my best friends in my house and get terrible dick. i hope today will be different at least.  '' Shut up, maybe you can get good dick by someone. hopefully hes cute this time'' i swear shes annoying. '' Neveah  get out please your killing me'' i say to her trying to get some privacy.


.3 hours pass


 The party has officially started, all the drinking even though i'm only 19, Neveah acts like shes all above me even though shes literally 2 weeks older then me, i mean whats a best friend for other then messing with you and throwing your party's in YOUR HOUSE. i'm steady grateful for her.  

Its been about 25 minutes and nothing to great has happened yet but my favorite song came on so of course me and Neveah have to dance to it! me and her is out there dancing and having fun like usual. I think i was half drunk i ain't gone lie. '' shake that ass era!!'' neveah is literally yelling at me while i'm twerking on he having the most fun i've had in a while. As im getting up to stand straight i go and get another drink neveah stays and dances with a guy thats by her, i think his name is chris or something. She was all on him! its whatever. '' can i get a shot of tequila!'' im pretty sure i almost fell over the air, i grabbed my drink and sat down.  I drunk it and asked for another, as shes pouring my drink a guy with tattoos and a nice ass smile sits by me. '' wussup shawty'' he says to me as im grabbing my drink from the bar tender. '' wussup?'' i say to him, he looks at me and licks his lip and then says,''  you the birthday girl everyones talkin about?'' i drunk my drink and stood up'' that's me''  he asked the bartender for a shot of hennessy and drunk it and he put his hand on mine and looked at me and smiled. '' im not gonna ask you to fuck if thats what these other niggas are doing, but i would like to get a dance with you if thas alright'' and o boy did i wanna fuck him. He was so damn sexy how could i not? But i didnt ay thats shit i ain't that damn bold. '' yeah lets go'' i said as i grabbed his arm and pulled im to the dance floor. 

Me and him where dancing and too good of a song came on i straight up started twerking on him loosing all senses of who i was with.  when the song went off i looked at him in shook, and i had came back to life realizing that i had just been twerking on this nigga. '' wanna get a drink and go to my room? i asked him and he just nodded yes.

we went and got two glasses of hennessy and went to my room, i could feel him staring at my ass so i was extra dramatic and made sure that it was moving so that he could steady watch it. When we got to my room i closed the door and locked it. He looked at me and licked his lips. i looked back at him and i drunk the rest of my drink. He drunk his drink catching a hint and he set it down on the side table. I walked closer to him and pushed him to the bed, he pulled off my shirt and turned me around taking control as if i had already did to much. he got on top of me and kissed me and  then he started working his way down and when he got all the was down he ripped off my panties and started eating me like his life depended on it.

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