Dusty buns pt. 2

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(Y/n) grinned slightly and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “That’s good!”

That was when Dustin tripped on his own two feet. His face a bright red color as he stumbled over apologies. God he needed Steve’s help….

Present day

"Mom where is my shit?" I called rushing out of my room to retrieve the bag Steve asked me to get so I could impress a girl, he didn't know that girl was y/n but that was beside the point. My mom looked up from watching the television, petting mews "no honey, what is it for?" She asked sweetly.

"nothing mom, I just need to find it quick" I moved newspapers on the table and looked in the kitchen "a-ha" I cheered when I found it sitting sort of neatly wrapped on the kitchen table. grabbing it hurriedly passing my passing kissing her cheek "I'll be back late, don't wait up for me" I pointed at her to make sure she heard me, she smiled and nodded before going back to her episode of family feud.

Walking out of the house I hopped on my bike laying in the side yard, riding off to my destination paper bag in my backpack.

I raced on my bike to Steve's giving a glace to my watch and back to the road to assure that I don't crash "shit, it's 4:00" he wanted me there at 3 so he could have time to get my hair perfect and pick out an outfit as he said and I quote 'a girl may not like your style' he tried to put it nicely but it came across that I didn't have style, but I definitely did. Riding through his yard before throwing the bike onto the grass running to the door and knocking vigorously. I heard yelling from the other side "hold your horses" I chuckled at how much he sounded like a parent. The door swung open and on the other side stood 'big hair Steve' himself, hand on his and everything "hey mommy Steve sorry I'm late but I lost it" I held backpack up to show why I was late. Smiling he dragged me in the
Mansion of a house he had "It's all good but your hair might not be as good as you want it. I'll try my best" he patted my shoulder to reassure me. I nodded nervously, hoping that I don't look terrible. He brought me to his room grabbing the bag, unfolding it and reaching to take out the can of hairsray, gel, and a comb "ready?" He held the products up "yep" nodding confidently, and we started.

He was combing my hair up in a high swoosh like he did when I went to the dance. The silence hung tensly in the air, the only sound being that of the spray can being shook and sprayed. It was to much for him so he spoke up "so, who's the lucky lady" I saw his smile in the mirror in front of me, that's a question I was hoping wouldn't be asked. Trying to avoid his eyes I felt burning into me i sighed "..y/n" he almost missed the mumbled name but it was quiet enough for him to hear "y/n? You mean y/n l/n, y/n?" A querked eyebrow showed on his stunned face, stopping what he is doing. Being uncomfortable, I wiggled in my chair "uhh..yea" gripping onto my shoulders he pulled me close "why didn't you tell me? She is apart of the richest family in Hawkins. Even worth more than my family" my heart sped up, thinking her wasn't gonna help me "her whole family is snobby, we had a family dinner with them. They tried to set me up with her older cousin" he rolled his eyes. Looking around the room to avoid his gaze "I mean but.." he trailed off caressing his imaginary beard as he thought "she was there that night, she was really nice, like really nice. Not to mention funny" a laugh slipped through his lips, remembering the event "but don't you think she's a little quiet for you. I mean besides being quiet you guys are like the same person" he didn't seem like he was speaking to me now just thin air, talking to himself through a thought.

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