Letters and a Single Flight

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Warning: lots of Pruame in this chapter but it's in the later part so possibly skippable


The nations opened the meeting room doors confused, there was a group of people around the podium talking to each other. Nations slowly filed in sitting in their chairs confused.

The meeting was about to start when Ludwig went up to the group, once he went up to them he realized they were teens.
"Excuse me this is a Confidential meeting, you need to leave" Ludwig explained sternly.
All of them flipped open their wallets so they could show country ids. Certified country ids.

"We know, take a seat." Ludwig took his seat.

"Good morning!" A boy smiled bouncing up and down, "I'm Domi! It's not my full name but I like it better." The boy explained excitingly, he had tanned skin and dark hair. His eyes were almost golden brown, it was captivating.

"Anyway, we're here to discuss what we need too, so we have to leave, so please listen up," Domi smiled happily.
"First of all, we are here in place of the United States. We will begin by telling you statistics. Antoinette?" "Of course" Antoinette had dirty blonde hair and sun tanned skin. Her eyes are light brown.

"Homelessness is down 60% percent, the rest of the homeless population is in tax funded housing. Alcoholism is in a margin that is down to 0.%s. Drug use is nearly 0 not including medical reasons-" "so the US can finally afford universal healthcare?" Someone asked, they couldn't tell who but Antoinette looked over those at the table, her glare piercing. "Continuing on, there is a blooming job market and the air quality is as high as it was before 1200's" she ended it with a smile.

"Thank you Antoinette," Domi smiled, "Francisco may you please explain our deal to them?"
Francisco stood up straight and walked up to the podium. He had vitiligo, tanned skin and medium dark hair. Some of his hair was white. "Alright, let's get this thing over with," Francisco stated firmly. "Our deal is simple, we have gained 100% green power, clean air, solar power at the ready and crystal clear water. We want to share that with you all, but we have conditions. The less developed countries will get first dibs and aid from the US," there were murmurs from the strongest, "This is because we do not want them to fall behind so drastically and be unable to survive the changing market." There were more murmurs from thoses who were on the lower side of the country hierarchy.

"A few countries will gain access to the states, a group at a time. The first group shall be-"


Many groups passed through the US' borders, finally the final groups' chance to go threw the border. Aka I do NOT have enough personalities to the entire fucking WORLD.


"Next group" Domi said with a bright smile at the world meeting, all listened but those who have not gone knew who was next. The question was if they would be split into two groups.
"England, Canada, France, Russia, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, Finland, Sealand, Ladonia, China, Germany, Prussia, North and South Italy and Spain." Domingo announced reading off the list and held up a few letters. "Take the one with your names on it." Domi said firmly. "It has your flights, times, address you are to meet at, money and much more."

Domi gave a bright all American smile, "I can wait for you all to see the United States of America"



Prussia compared his letter to his brother's, he knew very well that Ludwig's was written by Alfred but more like the way Hamilton taught Alfred to write essays. Long and meticulously detailed. But Felicino's was much more light hearted, shorter and had little doodles around the edges, But Lovino's was straight to the point, times, dates, locations and a map. All of which being color coded to keep the southern Italian's focus. They were all customized to how they needed to be for each person. Gilbert's letter read like a love note and had a few promises and Gilbert was so going to bring up.

But on the focus of that Gilbert's flight left earlier, a few days earlier actually. He was not upset about that in the slightest, more time for him to catch-up and more cuddle time for him. Witch was not a bad trade off.

Gilbert could not wait.


Gilbert has gotten on the flight, a plan from America. And god damn was it NICE. A small staff only for him, he was enjoying it. He slept most of the flight, Gilbird taking advantage of the staff and getting more food then Gilbert would be allowed.

Once they landed Gilbert looked around, he was looking for some familiar face with his suitcase in tow. That's when he saw a familiar face. He fast walked over and Gilbird flew ahead landing on the brim of the cowboy's hat.

"Howdy Pop," Austin smiled, slipping off the small rock wall he sat on.
"Hey kid, still not a talker," Gilbert laughed looking at his kid. "Never was, even Spain can tell ya that. But everyone's asleep, only one awake so Doms said I was tha one to pick ya up." Austin shrugged.
"C'mon kid, let's get home. I want a nights sleep." Gilbert sighed patting the kid's back.
"Don't fall asleep on the ride back, y'all miss the night lights." Austin adviced and took Gilbert's suitcase from him and started walking into the direction of the exit.
"Damn hospitality," Gilbert growled and jogged to catch up.

They stepped out into the cool night air, the wind was strong but the air was so... clean.
"Is this what the entire country feels like?" Gilbert asked.
"Yeah, feels great?"
"Feels awesome! But this awesome Prussian needs a night sleep." Prussia smiled, patting his son's back. Austin hummed and nodded.

Austin put the suitcase in the back seat as Gilbert got into the truck. "Kid, do these seats heat up?" Gilbert asked as Austin got in, once he did he pushed a button and Gilbert leaned into his seat happily. Gilbird flew and nestled into a free cup holder. Well all of them were free as Austin's truck was impeccably clean. Well the inside was, the outside was covered in dried mud.

"Hey, the lights look so... calm." "Yeah, this place has a chiller nightlife, Vegas is somethin' else. As always." "Mhm"

It was a decent drive before they got to the long dirt driveway. They pulled up and Austin got out, "I'll take your bag, dad's asleep." "You sure?" "Yup, dad's been excited, go see him," Austin insisted, grabbing the suitcase from the back and tossing the key to Gilbert. Gilbert got into the house, left the keys on the table, and kicked off his shoes. He quietly went up the stairs. Multiple stairs.
He quietly opened the door to the master bedroom, he shut the door silently. He moved over to the bed, Alfred was sleeping soundly and suddenly Gilbert felt like he shouldn't be there. But he pressed on.

Gilbert went to the side of the bed where Alfred was curled up. He admired him for a moment before leaning down to kiss his forehead. He rubbed his love's arm.
"Hey, Liebing," Gilbert whispered, he wanted to be sure that Alfred was fine with it all. Alfred's boundaries could have changed after all.

Alfred slowly woke up, blurry eyed and unfocused hues of blue. He made sounds that were nowhere close to words and moved one hand out to grab at Gilbert. Although with him being mostly asleep his motor function was poor to say the least.
Alfred muttered something vaguely close to Gilbert's name that made him snicker. Gilbert gently took Alfred's hand and kissed the back of his hand. Witch earned a sleepy giggle from Alfred.

"Good morning" Gilbert greeted. Alfred attempted to get up, but he ended up falling on Gilbert with his lower body tangled in a blanket. "Careful Liebing," Gilbert shushed as Alfred whined and wiggled. Gilbert untangled him and picked up Alfred. Alfred wrapped his legs around Gilbert's waist and Gilbert held him up.

"Gil" Alfred muttered quietly, already falling asleep again, trying to get closer to Gilbert. "Gil~" Alfred whined needily, not necessary in any other way than being close to the albino.
"Hold on" Gilbert sighed as he slid into the bed and flopped onto the pillows. He'd forgotten how comforting it was to have Alfred nearby, even more so when Alfred was lying on top of him. Weighted blankets weren't the same as the love of your life he supposed.

"Shhh baby blue, just get back to sleep" Gilbert whispered. Alfred only snuggled closer, Gilbert pulled up the blanket. "Gil," Alfred hummed quietly and nestled his head by Gilbert's neck, his breath on Gil's neck.

Gilbert shivered a bit with Alfred breathing in his neck but he fell asleep quickly with Alfred on his chest.

~~Pruame end~~

Note: if you skipped the last part please know Gilbert is now in the US a few days before everyone else.

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