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When they got to the shops they immediately dispersed to look at the clothing. China was having fun glaring at the seems seeing if they were up to his standards while Japan stood by him looking at the different options.

"Ve~ did everyone back then wear a dress?" Feliciano asked, looking at Norway.
"We didn't call them back but think of them as the dress like Rome once wore."
"Ohh, Nonno Roma but never liked pants" Feli noted before going back to looking at dresses. Iceland gave Norway a look before going back to looking.

"Everything is too big" Peter huffed.
"Kids wear is on the right wall"
"Oh thanks- Michael!?" Peter exclaimed and he was promptly hushed by Teemu. Molossia looked a bit bored and had his head resting in his hands. "Hey," Micheal said bluntly.

"You alright kid?" Prussia asked the micronation. "Don't talk to me," Micheal huffed only time get a slap on the back from a girl who had came over.
"Behave Micheal," She warned with a sigh.
Micheal sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Do you need any help?" The girl had long back hair that was braided back and dark eyes, she wore more of a fighter's outfit and held herself up high.
"No thank you," Teemu smiled and led Peter to the right wall and Berwald was right behind him.

"You look familiar" Francis noted looking at the girl. "Antoinette, I met you at the meeting Mr Bonnefoy," she held out her hand for a handshake which Francis did return.
"Good to see you, Ms Antoinette" Francis nodded and continued to shop.

"Anto! Kal needs a fix up!" A teen yelled, he had a baby face and a panic look on his face. Antoinette jumped into action and grabbed a box and ran out of the set up and around back.
"Hey Luis" Micheal muttered.
"¡Oi! Micheal! Espero que te estés divirtiendo, la rotación es en 20 minutos y estás con Aussie en el carrito de comida, ¡está fuera de la arena hasta las dos!" The boy smiled and ran off. Michael pouted at the mention of this 'Aussie'.

"Who's Aussie?" Antonio asked, looking at Micheal.
"He was in the arena, he fought Dom. He's called Aussie by us because we KNOW him." Michael rolled his eyes, like he knew more than Antonio.

"Micheal," Alfred sighed but gently pat Micheal on head. Molossia didn't move away and just accepted the affection.

"Oh! The tall one with white patches all over his face?" Feliciano asked, walking over curiously.
"Yeah, and he has vitiligo that's what it's called," Micheal explained.

"Alfie!" two voices harmonized. Two teens, maybe 18, ran over. The girl had loose curly hair that was loosely pulled back, same with the boy. The boy had vitiligo and reddish hair.

"Hey Jazz, Jax" Alfred smiled as they slide to a stop.
"Oh, Hello!" the girl greeted before her hand jerked, "yip yip!"
"Yo," the boy nodded and pulled down his shirt.

"What was that?" Lovino asked, looking at Jazz.
"Tics, nothing to worry about," Jazz explained.
"Ve~ that was molto carina, signora" Feliciano smiled.
Jazz blushed a little, "I, uh- Grazie signor Vargas" Jazz stuttered over, "I'll be back later" with that she bolted.

"Yelp," Jax laughed, "she got nervous, she'll be back."

"Hey, my name is Jonathan Finnick Wright, but you can just call me Jax or Finn but that's what my brother's youngest kids call me" Jax flashed a kind smile. (Boy in the header)
"Finnick? Like the hunger games?" Arthur asked.
"Nope! I predate the damn book" Jax laughed. There where looks from the nations.
"Jonathan J Wright-Jones, I personify the mid-west USA. Yes I've been around since the revolution, yes I've hidden my existence, no you may not know why and YES I do really like cheese, corn and cows and no I am NOT conservite. Alfie here would have already kicked me into the pasific" Jax explained in one breath and took in a deep one, "and yes Micheal is my nephew he's Alfie's son." Molossia waved from behind the counter as he wrung up Finland and Sweden's purchase and just put it on the government's tab.

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