10| Legend

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Declan, panicking: "We accidentally broke Bennett's favorite knife!"

Naomi: "How did you-"

Jordan, shaking her shoulders: "Forget that! He's going to kill us! Naomi, we're dead men! Dead men, I tell you!"

Naomi: [rolls her eyes, takes a broken piece of the knife from him] "No, you're not. Watch."

Naomi: "Hey, Bennett?"

Bennett, looking up from his magazine: "Yes?"

Naomi, tearing up: "I- I don't know how to tell you this because I'm not even sure what happened myself, but one minute, I- I was in the kitchen, and the next, this happened. [shows him the part of the knife] I accidentally broke your favorite knife. I am so sorry, Bennett! [almost full on crying now] You must hate me, but I really didn't mean-"

Bennett, eyes widen: "Hey, hey. No, it's okay. I don't hate you. I could never hate you. It's just a knife. It's fine, Naomi. I have others. Please stop crying."

Naomi: [continues to sniffle and sob] "But I- but I-"

Bennett: [reaches over to move her hair out of her face] "Shh. Shh, it's alright. I'm not mad, okay? I promise. It's fine."

Naomi, shakily: [catches him off guard with a hug] "I'm glad." [gives Jordan and Declan a thumbs up behind Bennett's back]

Jeclan, softly: "Legend."

Source: Unknown

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