Ch. 3

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After mom met Sana the other day she always bake sweets and command me to bring it to her. My mom likes her so much and it's a good thing because now, Sana won't be too nervous to meet my other relatives.

"Hey. You're already here," Sana said as she open the door for me.

I kissed her lips and smile.

"You look great, baby," I complimented that made her blush. "You're blushing again. Why can't you be used to it? I always compliment you and you always blush."

She rolled her eyes and look at what I'm carrying, a plastic bag. "Sweets again?"

"Yes. Cookies," I informed and she smiles broadly.

"Omygosh! Tell auntie, 'thank you'."

"Call her 'mom'."

"Tsh. Shut up, love. Gimme that."

"One deep kiss, one cookie."

She rose her one brow and harshly took the plastic bag to me. Then, she turn her back on me and went to her couch. I pucker my lips, pouting. This squirrel.

I just heave a sigh and enter this small apartment of hers. Her apartment have a creamy wallpaper and shiny floor. It's not as expensive and fancy as my house but it's clean and simple. Sana's a girly type of girl but her taste for house is otherwise.

My eyes divert to the family photo that hang on the bare wall. I've wanted to know about her family but everytime I mention it to her, she gets poignant. She never mentioned anything about her family, I think she'll just tell it to me when she's already ready.

"Love?" I utter and sat beside her who's already munching on the cookies.

"Hmm?" She humm and turn to me.

I smiled when her cheeks puff even more because she's eating. My girl looks so damn amazing. She has this breathtaking brown eyes that whenever it interlock with mine, I'd fall for her again and again. Her nose is small, straight, and pointed, perfect. And her lips. Oh.. Her lips that drives me crazy everytime it'll landed on mine. I'll never get uninterested with this precious girl.

"Hey, love. What is it?" She snapped her fingers infront of me that wake me up from my reverie.

I shook my head and smile, "I love you."

"Idiot," her lips are trembling, indicating that she's stopping herself to smile.

"Loving someone means being an idiot. Because when you're inlove, you're crazy as hell so yeah. I'm an idiot. Idiot because of you."


"You're blushing, my princess."

"And it's your fault, my girl."

"I said 'I love you'."

She snorted and look away, continuing to chew on her cookies. I chuckled. She's blushing so hard. I'm sure she's mentally cursing me for making her blush again. I love the sight of her, especially when her cheeks have a tint of red.

"Why do you always say that?" She asked, still not looking at me.

"Say what?" I act innocent.

She tilt her head to me and glare, "That."

"I love you?" I muse but she just stare at me. Extending my hand and put it on her shoulders, I smile. "Because I want to tell you everytime what I really feel. Actions with words are confusing, baby."

Her tantalizing eyes are staring at me, having her broad smile on her lips. She lean closer and plant a deep, passionate kiss on my lips. Our mouth move in synchronized while our tongue battled with devotion.

Our kiss lasted for almost ten seconds. When we felt a lack of air, we quickly pull away and smile. She took my hand and intertwined it with hers.

"I love you more," my heart almost went out of its rib cage because of its loud pumps.

With a simple 'I love you more' I'm getting crazier. That's the effect of Minatozaki Sana to me. I know everyone who will not know her background will love her. People nowadays will just love you when you're rich, popular, and beautiful. Society sucks as hell. They're disgusting to have those kind of mindsets.

"I heard you're going out this lunch?" I opened a new topic.

"You heard? Or you payed someone to spy on me again?" She narrowed her eyes but I just smile smugly.

"Uh. I heard it from Chaeyoung," I said. She rolled her eyes.

"Son Chaeyoung. Your detective friend. Tsk. Fool me, Tzuyu," she sarcastically said but I just chuckle.

"Okay. It's both."

"You can ask me, you know. Don't you trust me?"

"I do. But I don't like asking you."

"And why is that, Chou Tzuyu?"

"I'd rather kiss you thousand times."


The lunchbox with cookies are now empty. She didn't even give me some. Well, I hate sweets anyway.

I just focused my eyes on hers and crossed my arms.

"Why? Where are you going this lunch? And with who?" I shot her with questions.

"Ask Son Chaeyoung."



"Why don't you wanna share?"

"I'm with someone important."

"With who?"

She press her lips together and look away. I sighed in defeat and hang my hands on the air, surrendering. I trust this woman. I know how much she loves me. Maybe just a very important person. Well, I can tell Chaeyoung to spy on her, yes I do trust her...but... I'm just worried.

"Okay, okay," I said.

"I'm with my future partner in my pwn business. I know you'll ask Chaeyoung to follow me again so I'll just answer you," she said with a sigh.

I grinned, "That's it a girl?"


I smile widely and hug her from the side. She'll never get attracted  to guys so it's okay with me.

"Can I sleep here tonight?" I asked her. "I miss sleeping with you. It's been—"

She chuckles cutely, "You just slept here last night, love."

"It's been 11 hours." I finished with a chuckle.

"You always miss me."

"Because there's no time that you didn't came to my mind."

"If I always pop up on your mind, you won't miss me."

"But I do. I just don't want to think about you. I want to kiss, hug, and touch you."

"What kind of touch?"

Her lips have a naughty smirk that made me laugh. She's opening a wild topic and later she'll scold me for saying the word 'touch' because she'll get horny as heck. This girl's mood swing is sometimes faster than my car.

But even she's such a moody girl, I still stay with her and understand her up and downs moods.

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