Ch. 6

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"Tzuyu my daughter," I tilt my head and face Mom.

"Why, Mom?" She sat beside me.

I'm at my private office here at my house. She didn't inform me that she'll come here. Maybe something important is up.

"Your dad will come here after a few weeks," she said.

My body froze for the information I got from my mom. Dad is a very intimidating guy. I'm scared of him. I always follow his orders because I'm afraid that he will beat me up again like what he did when I broke up with Jisoo before. I don't want him to do that again. I can fight back, yes. But fighting back to my dad is not my thing. I respect him like how I respect myself.

"Why?" The only word came out from my mind.

My mom sighed. She know how scared I am whenever we talk about my Dad.

"He wants to check the company," she said as she started stroking my hair.

"He'll just stay for a few days, right?" My voice was full of hope.

She sadly look at me, "I don't know, sweetie."

She caress my shoulders comfortingly. Why would he come here? Is it really about the company? I went here because I'm running away from his strictness and controls but now, he'll go here. Damn.

This whole day is not great for me. My brother chatted me too and told me that he'll go here and stay for good. I don't know if I must be happy or what. I hate my brother. I hate him so much!


The ringing sound of my phone woke me up early in the morning.

I groaned and rub my eyes. I grab my phone ontop of my bed and answer the call. It's an unregistered number. Who is this person to disturb my sleep this morning? Jish.

"Hello?" I harshly said


I glance at the screen, "Who is this?"

"Sorry to disturb your sleep, Miss Minatozaki Sana." It's guy's voice.

"Who are you?" I frowned.

"It's Kim Mingyu."

I shouldn't have gave my number. Jish. I hate disturbing my sleep and I'm ready to kill someone who will do that. Jk.

"Why are you calling at this hour? It's still early," I sighed and sit up.

He slightly chuckled, "It's already nine o'clock."

"Oh. what do you need?" I asked before I yawn.

"Training later at Kim Building. 1pm-5pm."


He hung up so I smile broadly. I can't wait to be an idol! Hope people will not hate me because I'm not popular before. But whatever. I don't care about those people who hate me. I will focus to those who will like and support me. If you hate me, then keep on hating. You're just an insecure bitch. Hahaha!

I decided to go eat breakfast at Im Café. Tzuyu told me that she need to finish some papers today and be very busy so she can't come here at my apartment. Well, I understand that she's a very busy woman. If it's not that important she will just let her new secretary do it.

After a few minutes of walking I already arrived at Im Café. There are only few people inside. Maybe because it's working hours. It's Monday today so only few are here.

"Good morning, Ma'am," the crew greeted me.

"Good morning," I replied and sat at the table near the glass window.

The waiter came to took my order and leave after. The city at this hour is busy and loud. I flinch when someone sat infront of me. She looks like a tofu because she's too white. Her lips have a broad smile while eyeing me. She looks very beautiful.

"Hi. Mind if I join you?" She said and gave me a sweet smile.

You're already joining me though.

"No," I answered and scratch my neck.

"Why are you alone?" Her eyes are like analizing my whole face. Damn. I'm not comfortable.

"Because I don't have someone to be with," I deadpan, she raised her brows and laugh at my answer.

Her laugh sounds so lovely. She's very pretty while laughing like that. I can't help but smile at the sight of her.

"Well, I mean... Whatever," she just utter and surrender her hands.

The waiter dropped our order. I think she already order something at the counter before sitting infront of me.

"How old are you?" She asked and started to eat her pancake with chocolate syrup.

Why is she asking though?

"I'm already 23."

"Ohh. You're older than me. I'm turning 22 this May 28."

"Advance happy birthday."

"By the way, I'm Kim Dahyun. I know you but you don't know me. I'm Momo's friend."

"I'm Minatozaki Sana."

I was shock that aside from me Momo still have someone as her friend. Well, people come to her life and leave because they call her slow and idiot. Well, Momo is not idiot. She's pretty hahaha. Just kidding.

Dahyun and I talked for a few more hours and she never fail to make me laugh. She's funny and cute at the same time. We just met but my uncomfortable feeling awhile ago faded. She's a nice girl.

"You doing something this day?" She asked when we're walking out of the café. She paid for my order although I refuse her.

"Just this 1pm to 5pm. Why?" I asked back.

"It's still eleven am. Wanna go to mall with me? Just going to buy gift for myself."


"Come with me please?"


She clung her hand on mine until we reached the parking lot. Her car is a black Mercedes. Damn! She's rich as hell! Not as expensive as Tzuyu's car but still, Dahyun's car is very expensive.

We reached the mall and she clung her hand to mine again. She's clingy eh?

"What gift would you buy?" I asked when we're walking towards a jewelry store.

"First I'll buy watch and second a book," she replied.


"Book to enhance my camera finding skill."


"It isn't."

Just like what she said, we bought a wrist watch and a book. I don't know that there's a book like that. Maybe the author of that book have a camera finding skill before? That's really weird.

We ate ice cream together and it's her treat again. I hate that she's treating me. Well, I have my own money and I don't need her to treat me. But she insist to pay for it. Jish.

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