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Sitting on the top of the hill, where My kingdom,the place I belong to, the place i grew up can be seen, setting here watching the sun rise is my favourite place to be, I feel free when i am here, this is the place I come to find the answer, to think, to make difficult decisions.

Well here comes the black headed boy with his cheese smile.
"Bella,King wants to see you back in the castle"
"okay, Alex" I replied
"Were you sitting here all night?" Alex asked.
"No, just came here few hours ago"
Now the smile was replaced by a worry look, Alex and i have grownup  together, know him from when i was three years old.
"Couldn't sleep all night again?" He asked
"Yup" all I said, i get up from the ground, dusting the dust off, I start walking toward the place i call home.
With Alex following behind. We walk in silence.

Entering the castle and received by my maid, well she is more like a sister to me.
" Good morning, Bella" she says with a smile, she Is always smiling, that makes me happy.
"Good morning, bonnie" I replied
"Royal family is waiting for you in the Kings office"  bonnie said
"It will be special if they gathered in kings office"
She have "I don't know"expression'

I knocked on the office door, after a second a sound "come in"  came from the other side of door.

The room is really tense, my father is sitting in his big chair behind the desk with my mother standing next to him, my two sisters sitting on the couch, there is only one seat left.
Taking  that seat, "good morning, everyone." I said
"Morning, sweet heart" replied by my mother.
Everyone have serious face on. After a moment of silence my father break the silence.
"So me and your mother call you Girls here because we want  to tell you something important"
He took a deep breath, looking at me and continued
" so, there was a deal made years ago that a princess from our kingdom have to marry the king of Asterin, the king will decide who it will be."
He took a pose, waiting for a reaction , but not receiving one,my father continue.
"We don't have a choice, if we don't keep the deal that was made years ago, for peace, we have to fight, which we will not be able to survive"
After few seconds non of us have said a word, my mother break the silence.
" tomorrow we have an event in which the king Harry will be coming, i want you all there, on you your best behaviour"
I can't let this happen, this is not acceptable. I want to fight,  i will fight.
"what if we fight?" I asked
My parents know i am not going to let it go easily, they look little annoyed,
" we will be defeated, and turn into slave,if they let us live" my father replied with a calm tone.
But i am not buying this shit.
"We can win, i will make sure we will, we have great and big army,they are strong and are capable of destroying anyone"
My parents seem mad, on my loud voice and bitter attitude, but i am saying what have to be said
my mother took a deep breath and then replied.
"No Bella, we don't want a war, people will die our people,me and your father have think it through, we know what we are doing, don't you trust us?, we are sad, we have to give our most precious thing in the whole kingdom, its not easy for us, but I request you to let it happen the way it should, for our people, for our kingdom for peace, if you have any respect for us and your kingdom than you will cooperate"
I am seriously taken back by my mothers outburst, there is nothing left to say, i sit back on the couch, looking down at my hands.
My mother took a deep breath,
"You can go now, but don't forget about tomorrow,you have a long day Infront of you"


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