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I am mad, I don't like this shitty deal, i have to do something, but what can i do, i feel like my hands are tied, my parents are not ready to even hear my point,  I can't let that cruel monster of a king take my sister, means i am not really attached to them but they are my sisters  can't let them sacrifice them self's.
well at lest i am safe he will never choose me i am not really a princess, i don't obey, I don't wear pretty dress.

I don't think i am able to do anything, just have to wait, for what's coming next.
My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door,
" come in"
The door open, revealing bonnie.
"Bonnie, thank God you are here, i have to find something to wear to that stupid party tomorrow"
"I have already selected a dress, i know you don't like to select dresses, do you want to see it?" She asked.
She always help me, she always knows what I need, and she have an amazing dressing sense.
"Bonnnie, thank you, i love you, you know that right?, Ofcourse i wana see it"
She just nod with a smile plastered on her face and leave the room.
She comes back few seconds later with a dress it's blood red gown, with black embroidery all over, and some dark green embroidery on the ends. It is classy not really reviling, i like it its not really girly, and its different.
"I love it, Bonnie, thank you"
"Your welcome, i am glad you like it." she replied with a big smile .
"You know me too  well, you always know what i need".
She set next to me on the bed, she knows that the deal is bothering me, she is worried i can see that on her face.
"I'm fine"
I tell her before she asked.
"I didn't say anything" she replied.
"I know you were just going too, and i will do something to stop that stupid deal"
She replied in concerned tone.
" i know that, but Bella don't do anything that will hurt your parents or kingdom".
I just nodded at that.
I am sick of this kingdom and its rules, deals and politics. 

King harry:
Today finally i have found a person, who can help me find that bitch people call karma, well he don't know much, but he have seen her from close, he says he can identify her if she came infront of him, i hope this works that bitch have to pay for my beloved brother Zayn's death.
My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my office door, Gemma came in, maybe she is here to apologise for her behaviour earlier.
"Gemma my beloved sister, how can I help you?" I ask
"I want to talk to you" she asked.
Here we go again, trying to convince me to cancel the deal. Something that can never happen, but we'll lets let her shoot her best shot.
"sure Gemma, come take a seat" I replied.
She sit on the opposite couch to mine and then took a deep breath and continued:
"brother I just want you to reconsider it, you can bring a girl in without her consent, but she will never be happy with you,  why you have to do this?, is showing power really that important to you?  That you destroys a girls life?.
She is in tears, I stood up and walk to her, standing over her head, she looked up at me and I wiped that little tear on her check, she is my family my blood she matters the world to me, well for her sake I told her "I will think about it" she seemed to get relaxed at this little hope.
But she and I both know this marriage have to happen there is no way I am backing down. This deal will keep them in line, they will always know, I am and will always be the most powerful king in god's Land.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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