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Dear Jack,

I haven't gone to school in days. Have you noticed? Probably not. You're probably too busy getting harassed by your fuck face of a boyfriend. So, he hasn't done that at all. Can't believe you'd trust him enough to even be close to him after what happened.

Or maybe I just have trust issues.

It's all because of you, though.

I used to write so fondly about you and how I missed you. But now I guess I'm getting angry.

Call me bipolar, because I fucking am.

I almost heard the sounds of my ex-boyfriend have sex with someone other than me. Think about how much that hurts. To have to go home with the thought of what it was like before, think about all of our times. It hurts. God, you fucking hurt me.

But oh god, am I thinking about hurting myself.

You don't understand how hard it is to keep myself together when I'm so broken. You also don't understand how much easier it'd be to throw all of those pieces away and shoot myself. Fuck, you don't under-fucking-stand

It Still Hurts (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now