Jotaro x reader

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Once again this is gonna be the submarine one just what happens to Polnareff happens to you.
Jotaro's PoV,
Being sat in a submarine with my boyfriend on my lap and Polnareff driving it causing my man to wrap his arms around my neck was not what I had in mind to relax apart from my baby boy on my lap. He put his head on my shoulder and then "what the hell!?" My boyfriend shouted coughing up blood after me and him were just punched. I made my way over to him as I was scared that he was hurt more than me "baby are you ok?" I asked once I got to his side whipping the blood from his bottom lip "yeah I'm fine" he said putting his hand around my shoulder as I picked him up bridal style "we need to get out of here" the old man said "no shit Sherlock" my boyfriend said. Few minutes later we all had scuba diving gear on "ready to go" old man said we all nodded and headed of but then y/n's mouth thing came out and it was the stand. It went down his throat Hierophant green and Star platinum managed to get the stand out before it could hurt him seriously bad. Star Platinum helped him get to my side and I lent him the other one of the mouth things (sorry I've forgot what they're called) holding his hand with the help of Kakyoin. Suddenly it was like we had been eaten by the stand.
{time skip because I'm lazy}
We had just got on dry land and y/n landed on top of me and I wrapped my arms around him "well, that was eventful" he said and we all laughed.

Well that's it.
love you all hope you enjoyed💜

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