Jotaro x reader

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Jotaro's PoV,
I was having a cigarette with my baby while waiting for Polnareff's dumb ass and kakyoin and Avdol, my arm was around my sexy man's waist, I put my cigarette out and after a few minutes so did y/n "baby you're so slow at smoking" I said standing in front of him and kissing his neck then kissing his soft lips, his soft lips "uhhh~" he moaned into my mouth, I smiled and saw the guys coming back "and up we go" I said picking my boyfriend up and throwing him over my shoulder "Jotaro put me down" he screamed I put him down and he playfully whacked me in the face "you are such a bad boy" I said jokingly
{time skip to hotel because I'm lazy}
Mr Joestar put y/n in a room with Polnareff and put me in a room with Kakyoin "seriously it's not that I don't want to be in a room with kakyoin but I want to be in a room with y/n" I whined holding my baby close to me "fine Polnareff and Kakyoin and y/n and Jotaro" I smiled and picked him up took a room key and went to the room. I'm finally getting some alone time with you, I've waited so long for this "baby ", before we do anything can we relax a bit please?" he asked "of corse anything for you" I said and pulled him down on the bed "I love you" I told my baby "I love you too"

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