Jotaro x reader

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Jotaro's PoV,
"Why is his lap so comfortable?" I asked myself while waiting with Polnareff and Iggy who was in his arms asleep "why dose Iggy not attack you guys?" Polnareff asked "because we're not bastards towards him and he knew y/n before this" I said.
Iggy's PoV,
I woke up and jumped out of y/n's arms and went on my way while Polnareff shouted at me.
Y/n's PoV,
"I love Iggy and you too Jotaro" I told myself stroking Jojo's hair hearing him snore slightly. He suddenly moved causing him to go face to face with my dick and he wrapped his arm around me protectively "he's mine Polnareff piss off" he said in his sleep and Pol looked kinda scared while I just laughed "y/n this isn't funny, that's scary" he told me "hey Avdol and Joseph" I said and they both looked at Jotaro and smiled slightly "you have a gift y/n whenever you're around us we all feel at ease and by the looks of things Jotaro feels really at ease" Avdol said, I just smiled and Jojo woke up and was shocked for a moment but relaxed once he looked up at me "Jotaro can you use star platinum for a second" Pol asked and he instantly got up.
Jotaro's PoV,
"Y/n get magic dance out right now" I told him and he did as he was told (your stand: magic dance
Your stand's abilities: it can cause knives to fly out of your sides, it can control other stands and it causes you to be able to catch sharp objects in your mouth and your hand at immense speed) magic dance was so amazing I always look up to y/n for that. An axe was flying his way and he caught it just before it cut him in half and he threw it in the direction it came from, it had clearly hit something then loads of knives came his way and he caught every single one "god babe you need to calm down" I told, he just smirked and said "hakuna matata bitch" and we all laughed and his stand threw all of them back in the same direction at immense speed "holy shit y/n" Polnareff said "that's my boy" I said "Ada boy" a voice said and grabbed y/n by the neck from behind "Jotaro-" he choked out "I must say you got me right in the chest, your stand is impressive no wonder Lord Dio wants you alive" he said "heh~ you've messed up bad big boy" y/n said "you see you can't say my stand is impressive when you haven't seen it's full extent now can you" he smirked and all of us started to laugh in agreement. His stand appeared behind the other stand user and stabbed the top of his head "you know you were fun while you lasted" he said sounding like he was gonna pass out. After that he soon fell limp and was about to fall when I caught him "I'm sorry my stand takes up a lot of my energy" he said rubbing the back of his head "it's fine baby" I said
{time skip to after they 'killed' Dio. back to school}
"Hey Jotaro's back" I heard some annoying bitch say. I held onto y/n tightly since he had seen Avdol's full death from beginning to end and still hadn't got over it (I'm sorry but I can't have kakyoin dead in this) and kakyoin did the same. The same bitch that said I was back clung onto me like I was object while at the same time y/n was pushed away even though our hands were intertwined "you annoying bitch!" I shouted at the one who pushed my boyfriend away "come here baby boy" I said and he instantly came to me and we went on with the day. The day quickly ended just as quick as it started.
Y/n's PoV,
"hey Jotaro I'm going to see my horse now wanna come" I asked him "sure" he said and we headed off hand in hand. We eventually got to my horse

My Friesian Onyx "I missed you" I said to Onyx

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My Friesian Onyx "I missed you" I said to Onyx. I got him tacked up in this

"Hey Jotaro wanna go on a ride together" I asked he nodded and I handed him a horse called Zorro the exact same breed

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"Hey Jotaro wanna go on a ride together" I asked he nodded and I handed him a horse called Zorro the exact same breed.
Jotaro's PoV,
"Hey babe I've never ridden a horse before can you help me" I asked and he took the reins of the bridal and pulled me a long with his horse "I find it amazing how you own these 2 beautiful creatures" I told him "they're beautiful no doubt but truth be told I own them but I don't pay for them" he said and handed me the reins "hey it's fine I won't let him hurt you" he told me. I smiled because he looked me in the eyes. He started singing a song called something wild "You had your maps drawn
You had other plans
To hang your hopes on
Every road they let you down felt so wrong
So you found another way
You've got a big heart
The way you see the world
It got you this far
You might have some bruises
And a few of scars
But you know you're gonna be okay
And even though you're scared
You're stronger than you know
If you're lost out where the lights are blinding
Caught in all, the stars are hiding
That's when something wild calls you home, home
If you face the fear that keeps you frozen
Chase the sky into the ocean
That's when something wild calls you home, home
Sometimes the past can
Make the ground benneath you feel like a quicksand
You don't have to worry
You reach for my hand
Yeah I know you're gonna be okay
You're gonna be okay
And even if you're scared
You're stronger than you know
If you're lost out where the lights are blinding
Caught in all, the stars are hiding
That's when something wild calls you home, home
If you face the fear that keeps you frozen
Chase the sky into the ocean
That's when something wild calls you home, home
Calls you home
Calls you home
Calls you home
Calls you home
If you're lost out where the lights are blinding
Caught in all, the stars are hiding
That's when something wild calls you home
If you're lost out where the lights are blinding
Caught in all, the stars are hiding
That's when something wild calls you home, home
If you face the fear that keeps you frozen
Chase the sky into the ocean
That's when something wild calls you home, home~" he sung "you have an amazing voice you know"
{time skip to some schools}
To me this horse tournament thing was boring as but the hole school was here and my boyfriend was taking place in this and the same song he sung on that day we rode together was what he did singing while playing the violin at the same time as riding Onyx. He did a stunt at where only a violin plays which was standing on Onyx's back while playing the fucking violin prancing around the era like that was dangerous but he pulled it of. It soon ended and the hole school including me and the judges stood up and clapped. I ran to find him and it was time for judging "in 3rd place is Victor and Domino, in 2nd place is Adrian and Coco and in 1st place is Y/n and Onyx meaning his school has won this year's tournament" the judge said. The day ended with all of the schools going back to the schools then my boyfriend had to gallop into the school grounds and everyone including the teachers rushed out to meet Onyx. Onyx was a good horse no doubt, once he saw me he made his way to me and nuzzles my hand, I smiled and looked up to see my boyfriend "I have a present for you" he told me and whistled, I look to the side and see Zorro galloping in "get on baby we are out of here oh and, Kakyoin!" He shouted he whistled again and another horse came in "kakyoin this is Graphite" and he looked at me as I got on "let's get out of here boys" and as a trio me him and kakyoin went on the horses to a beautiful meadow we got of the horses and laid down on the grass as kakyoin played with the horses.

Sorry this was so long.

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